The sterile wheatgrass cover crop is sprouting!You can see the slower germinating buffalograss seed hanging out.I have especially put a lot in the narrow places where the water runs off from the raised beds.The grass with the red zinnias.Both chimayó and jalapeño peppers. Neither super hot.Everything from the garden except for garlic!Yum! Salsa verde complete!Picked green beans for dinner while waiting for salsa to finish simmering down.The Chef takes over for canning, my department is just vegetables, thank goodness.
Blue lake green beans, lots of tomatoes, and some tomatillos! This variety (verde) is actually maturing mid summer. Last year, Rio Grande Verde variety all waited til end of summer.A single pod of runner bean. They have lots of flowers though!A baby cushaw squash! Supposed to be resistant to squash vine borers and indeed the plant has yet been untouched.
Leftover hotpot style soup. The Chef also used venison from Paula and chard and kohlrabi leaves in eggrolls. Sauce for eggrolls was South Dakota honey from our esteemed visitor this week!
95 g of blackberries!!A dinner’s worth of green beans! From Mbombo (more) and blue lake (fewer and smaller) beans.A lightning bug sitting on the zucchini.A’grappoli d’inverno tomatoes (larger ones) and white currant tomatoes (small yellow ones). I’m delighted the white currants grew true to seed since I collected them last year!The Chef cooked the green beans with bacon and put walking onions chopped on baked potato.A little gray treefrog guards the zucchini from a radish leaf!