Briar posed for us as we began our slow walk up the trail. Here we go! Briar was on her leash and thought we were slow. Especially when I kept stopping to take photos of grama grass. Mom also does botany photography along the trail!I’ll look up this grasshopper when we get home.I like how this photo has a cholla in front of a juniper with grama grass framing it. These were among the dominant plants along the trail. Framed by the cholla cacti and distant junipers is a stretch of green tinted soil exposed by erosion! you can also see some of the abundant yuccas. This young yucca by the trail already has a few strings peeling off the leaves. One of the volcanic rocks that gives Black Mesa its name was down at our level. The trail climbs the Mesa for a round trip of 8.2 miles, but between botany and my arthritis we did a round trip of 1.6 miles in 1 hr and 50 min. This dried leaf was very firm and had lovely reticulated veins. Close up of cholla cactus branches and spines, with Black Mesa in the background. Briar is the picture of patience once again. The packed earth trail is really broad and smooth!
Caterpillar on broom weedA grasshopper with very worn wings on Grindelia. A tree cricket on Grindelia!A megachilid bee on Grindelia. Fall is starting! Sumacs in particular are turning red. A noctuid moth on Maximilian sunflowers. A bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) nearby on the same sunflower plant. So many Maximilian sunflowers!Briar poses in front of the prairie filled with more sunflowers. A purple aster!On the first Liatris we saw, Paula found these purple caterpillars. Mom mentioned Schinia sanguinea at home recently and we think that’s what these are. She saw the adult first then later the caterpillars. Two other Schinia sp can apparently also eat Liatris according to this website (and of course they don’t provide a citation). However the owlet moth caterpillar book, which Mom has, doesn’t mention this. A sleepy Dainty Sulphur. It was a cloudy and cool day afternoon before sunset. A parasitic wasp resting on snow-on-the-mountain. Another interesting moth on Maximilian sunflowers. Green grasshoppers were distracted so I got a close up of their textured greens!The prairie is full of messages. Briar sniffs sunflowers as we walk by. A long-horned bee rests on a Grindelia. There were so many Grindelia at all stages. A very fuzzy Croton species.
Our first Salvia azurea of the season blooming!The first of many Helianthus annuus this morning.A lone Maximilian sunflower starting to bloom. The rest don’t even have buds.Snow on the mountain was magnificent today!We went on a new part of the trail today and encountered some highly concerning Art.“It has a lot of eyes Mom”The little mosaic seats are also suspect.“Why do you humans keep doing things to me”“Ok I guess it’s ok”We also came to terms with the big Art.Possibly Amorpha, false-indigo.Soapberry! Thanks Abby for the identification.Another H. Annuus.A beautiful Grindelia bud.More sunflower (H annuus)A differential grasshopper snacking on the sunflower.We found a magnificent patch of silver leaf nightshade!We had Briar pose among the silver leaf nightshades.Possibly a Physalis?Maybe non-blooming camphorweed?Possibly Asclepias verticillata (thanks Mom!)An aster starting to bloom!Unknown flower that hasn’t bloomed yet.Possibly Cardiospermum, balloon vine? From reading, it seems to be native but disliked for clogging farm equipment.The balloon vine flower.Ruby Grant park considerately has a dog level water fountain at the parking lot!
Paula tried one of our Purple Beauty Peppers and found it to be not very sweet, more green bell pepper taste still, and after looking online I think I picked them too early. Needs to be fully, deeply purple. I was worried about sunscald though (see the big tan area on the top one). They’ll still be good to use though.The William’s Pride apple continues to get a flush of red. It’s hot out, me too!I thought this grasshopper was really pretty. Not sure I’ve seen one like it before. We have lots of predator insects and birds in the yard so a few grasshoppers are no harm and lots of food for our other wild friends!Zucchini begins.
Tomatoes have started producing again a bit.Checking to see if my guess that ugly ones are bad is correct. Seems generally so, if the idea that floating beans are no good is true.Buckwheat flowers.The Chef found a third egg case today. Our spider is working hard! Here she has a grasshopper.
The rainbow bed has blue, yellow, and red blooming now. The iris is helping but is not part of the actual beds.Paula’s plant lounge.A big bird grasshopper!Love our banana spiders. I know we have at least three big ones around the garden in the front yard. This one has used the loofah gourd tendrils for its web anchors. Or the gourd is using the web as a support. Who knows!The zinnia has opened!Looking from the red end of the rainbow towards the street.