Normally we let both dogs settle their own spots, but Gracie needs space with her arthritis now.WedgeRoom for old bonesHELLOPlz hello GracieBriar eventually got comfy.But she still kept wanting to see Gracie.Gracie says haha I’m safe!!Wow! The popcorn came up while I was gone!!Potatoes in the straw bales are up!!Mom documented my plant site choosing.Here goes some annual groundsel and a cute little Euphorbia!Mom did most of the digging to save my arthritis, for which I am very grateful. She let me do this one though. Thanks to Mom and Dad and Gracie for a great staycation-vacation!!!!
The Black Vulture egg has hatched!! We were not sure what happened to the second egg.One of the parents watched Mom take a picture through the well house door.We checked on the chickadees and a parent is still sticking close. Very close.Garden transplants and path rescues are actually doing pretty good in the shade and relative cool of the garage.You can see several Mexican plums in here. That tree had a lot of seedlings!Even more plums! And some other stuff.Mom and Dad set up the irrigation for the tomatoes, greens, and herbs.A tiny seedling. Also maybe oregano?? I am not sure. We’ll find out later.The irrigation timer also drips some water for the birds!The lyre leaf sage is really getting going!This post sponsored by Dogs.
I got a bit of dirt from near the rosette of Spiranthes orchids to get any mycorrhizae to sprinkle in my soil at home.Here it is.“Mother hellloooooooo hi hi hi hi wigglessss”Boredom between walks.Also bored.Several spring prairie plants I want to establish in my mini-prairie (to ensure flowers for early pollinators) are growing right by Mom and Dad’s house where they always weedeat, right along the foundation and in the driveway. This is a wild onion.A weird and neato double stemmed and double seed head ten petal anemone!!Hopefully these annual groundsel (which will get mowed in path) will seed in my yard.Mom did a cross post on her blog. This is private property, so we are the only people digging any plants and are careful to take very few and from areas on the property where they will be damaged or killed, such as a path, the house foundation, or fence line. We also divided plants from the garden near the house and dug up babies from yard trees that would get mowed.Gracie got a sticker in her paw, so Mom helped her out. Up along the fence, there was a small fragrant sumac that Mom was going to lop off (keeping the fence line clear) so we dug it up. It had a long taproot! Still not as long as a yucca though.
Lyre leaf sage blooming. Hopefully mine will be blooming soon in Oklahoma.A Swiss Chard is coming up.Mystery seedling… Too early for oregano??Dogs!!Clouds like mountains.Native tiny bee on Callirhoe involucrata (winecup).Chickadee wasn’t on her nest yesterday, but she was today.More fun!!A solider beetle yesterday. Mom has the ID.Two of these moths in one day (yesterday).If you look just above the moth, you can see a tiny planthopper.
Lacinato kale is sprouting for Mom and Dad!Scotch blue curled kale is up too!Two dogs, having fun.Look at the bird poop on the coralberry leaves! How unappetizing!It’s actually a bird dropping moth. It’s even a bit lumpy! It’s probably Antaeotricha leucilliana but there are a few similar species that can’t be distinguished for sure without looking at the genitalia. Luckily for the moth, that sounds like a lot of work.
A few marigolds are sprouting in Mom and Dad’s container garden.Went for after-dinner walk and Gracie was feeling alright!A bumblebee on Salvia greggii.Blue stars are blooming!These bluestars haven’t opened yet. This garden patch was transplanted from a patch up our hill a long time ago, to Mom and Dad’s garden. This is where mine in Norman are from.
Mom told me that the Native Plant Society was having their spring sale on Saturday… So of course we had to go. I got lots of understory trees and shade ground covers, plus a few other things. More on this once I get home and plant them next weekend.On Saturday evening, we went ahead and put Mom’s tomatoes in the ground. I think our yogurt containers may be part of why the seedlings have been struggling. The knife “slices” in the bottom don’t leak well enough I think; each one was still very wet in the soil at the bottom. In the future I think we’d better drill holes.Doggies always alert. (From today, Sunday.)This chickadee in a nest box refuses to move. The eggs, visible in a previous check, are on Mom’s blog.
Wow!!! Gracie!!!!!A male Black-chinned Hummingbird. Mom says they arrived recently.Greeneyes! A nice big rosette to compare to my baby greeneyes in the garden. Mom says the crenate leaf edge is pretty distinctive.It was over 90°F. Warm for fluffy.
Day 2: Wednesday.
This cluster of tulips is probably nearly 30 years old. Not bad for an “replant this every year” bulb.Lots of frogs singing at night!A fringed puccoon blooming. After looking at the veins and the curled under edge, I think my mystery plants in yard are not puccoon.
Negative covid rapid tests meant we were safe to travel south to Texas!Annual bluetsControlled burns on the LBJ national grasslands were visible by smoke.Briar!Gracie!A hackberry tree having a long term discussion with the big mesquite tree.The big old mesquite tree.Draba cuneifoliaMom documents our dispersal of native plants.Heading back north to Oklahoma, an interesting juxtaposition of old and new energy.
Common persimmon tree. A native with edible fruit! Yum! I will try to sprout some.Yum. Gracie likes to eat fallen ripe persimmons.Mom served blackberry cobbler with homemade no churn ice cream too.A different day: leftover juice and berries from the cobbler with shortbread and whipping cream.Judy gave me this Mexican sage which Paula helped me plant as soon as I got home last Saturday.Good vacation but time to hit the road!Reunited!!!! I am informed the cat was profoundly lonesome, clingy, and annoying in the absence of his big sister.