Garlic scapes are the flower buds before they open. Here they are yesterday before I harvested them this morning. Harvesting them is supposed to make the garlic cloves turn out better as the energy doesn’t go all into the flowers. Last year we left the flowers. The Chef had a hankering to cook over fire. Here he adjusts a makeshift grill over the flames. An aluminum foil packet of potatoes is near his feet. Later he did the feral hog ribs over the fire too but finished a few of them off in the oven to ensure more even temperature for safety and convenience. The meal. The Chef topped his ribs with head country barbecue sauce. Potatoes (lower part of plate) came out perfect in spite of the packet seeming to catch on fire at some point. The garlic scapes were sautéed with onions and already cooked beans (upper left). I think we all agreed potatoes were good, scapes need something different, and ribs should have been slow cooked instead to be less tough.
Tomato basil soup (basil, onion, and garlic from garden; celery from farm share), fried farm share potatoes, chicken with garden onions, and farm share peppers on the salad.
A paper wasp flies to mealy blue sage.Using the two new wasp books, we narrowed it down to three species of Polistes: dorsalis, bellicosus, or fuscatus.I’ll look this wasp up tomorrow in the pollinator wasps book.It was going in and out of the hollow dead branch.The native black currant is ripening!Pizza with garden basil, garden onions, garden garlic.
Paula noticed more spider mites on the indoor peppers so we did garlic spray on them. I’ve also recently added a sprinkle more fertilizer to the pots since the leaves are yellowing. Hopefully this helps.Then we decided to garlic spray the remaining tomato plant. Its fruit still seems to be growing but all the leaves on top are just drying up, even with more consistent watering. However, it’s growing new stems from the base. Not sure what the deal is.In the backyard, Viola bicolor have flower buds.A ground bee or wasp has a nice burrow near the potential greeneyes seedlings.
Today I filtered the garlic spray twice so chunks won’t clog the sprayer.Then I spritzed all over inside the mini greenhouse hoops area as well as directly on a few test chamomiles indoors. I think the neem oil may have made a few baby peppers and tomatoes wilt so hopefully this spray is less angering.
I used the blender to pulverize garlic cloves that Paula got out for me (she was making focaccia anyways) and now I will leave it to soak overnight. This is another anti-earwig experiment.
A lot of blue lake green beans.Several tomato varieties are ripening.UF garden gem was fine but all of the UF “W” at a similar color rotted and molded. Perhaps they don’t like the endless rain? I will watch more closely for ripening now too.The Chef tied all the onions up for storage.The mini bell peppers are more mini than I expected.Corbaci peppers. I think the three little ones aren’t ready, but their plant died.A mini bell pepper plant died too, in the same way, a rotting brown at the base.This mushroom looks like it should be named lemon chiffon something.Weighing the dried garlic.Pseudothyris sp. moth resting on strawberry leaf.