Paula spotted our dwarf peach is about to bloom! The peach tree had a rough year last year when I had to redig and replant it to make way for the geothermal pipes, so I’m glad to see it sprouting.
Paula noticed more spider mites on the indoor peppers so we did garlic spray on them. I’ve also recently added a sprinkle more fertilizer to the pots since the leaves are yellowing. Hopefully this helps.Then we decided to garlic spray the remaining tomato plant. Its fruit still seems to be growing but all the leaves on top are just drying up, even with more consistent watering. However, it’s growing new stems from the base. Not sure what the deal is.In the backyard, Viola bicolor have flower buds.A ground bee or wasp has a nice burrow near the potential greeneyes seedlings.
Buckwheat about to bloom.The two honeyberries that I planted, then moved for geothermal, then planted again, have been very unhappy lately, but some long slow drips with hose have revived one. Hoping the second plant follows suit.
Texas mallow might bloom soon?Goldenrod from Abby thinking about blooming too.A pupa! I bet the Black Swallowtail.Side view.Tepary beans begin!New crystals from Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge!Closeup of two fancy selenite crystals.
It’s definitely ready to bloom, as this wasn’t here last night when I picked. So I’m going to ask the Chef to come see if he can catch it flowering today while I’m at work.