Blanching night! The cilantro by the porch kept threatening to flower, and the community supported agriculture farm share bag this week had more summer squash and zucchini than we wanted to deal with.Right now a single cilantro plant has reseeded and it’s in this crack by the front porch. I think since I found this one, there are a few more out in the raised beds, but it’s nothing like last year’s glorious multiple beds. Here it has received a heavy duty haircut. 59 g of cilantro.Two units of cilantro. There was the 59 g from our porch crack plant and a small bundle from the weekly farm share delivery. I squeeze out water from the blanched herb and then put them in these balls. They work fine for salsa verde, though I don’t have any tomatillo plants this year, sigh. Lessons learned about pot drainage.The zucchini and summer squash in the freezer, spread out so they don’t become a solid squash ice rock.
Beautiful plant.Rocky mountain bee plantGeometrid moth among the dayflower leaves.The striped planthopper on the elderberry.Very tiny bees on the widow sedum. One sitting, one blurring through in flight.One Missouri fluttermill primrose among the strawberries!During weedeater repair we found a DAMN EARWIG.
A new kind of plant in the plant window.Widow sedum in full bloom with a background of Englemann daisies.A second baby two leaf senna is coming up in a container!! This one is in yard soil instead of potting soil. Very excited.Briar lounges on the buffalo grass with the widow sedums to her left and Englemann daisies behind her.Going through the house to go see front yard, I glimpse the new plant. Hi Shacks!Rainbow garden orange is considering blooming (butterfly milkweed).Fluttermill Missouri primrose is living up to its name with new seedpods produced!A Venus looking glass volunteered in the strawberry bed! I love these. Apparently they’re annuals.This tiny native cucurbit vine appears every year and I adore it.
An update from the Texas home garden this past week!
Pink brandywine tomato flowering in Mom and Dad’s container planter garden last week.White currant tomato flower buds.The red rubin basil has appreciated an increased watering regime.First marigold bloom! The ones up here in Norman in my garden are just getting their first and second sets of true leaves.Last Wednesday, note the size of mustard greens.They sure grew over just a few days!In fact, they grew enough that Mom harvested some.Mom sauteed them in butter, oil, and white vinegar with salt, pepper, and a lemon juice top off at the end. Sources say it was good.
Home from doggie daycare.I need to look this one up again but we have a lot. It’s native. It’s Solanaceae. Edit: Mom says Solanum ptycanthum.Yellow flax (Linum rigidum) and showy evening primrose.The sadly too common Canis bordumA winecup seedling!!More winecup seedlings!!A few leaves have stayed green on the fragrant sumac. I’ve been using the terracotta pot to dribble out more water to it.Desert blue curls!! (Phacelia campanularia). I was really baffled about the little purple spotted seedlings but this is it. Yay!!Cactus planter prickly pears doing well.Asian long bean from my aunt are growing well.Knock on not-rotting wood, the Roman chamomile hasn’t been eaten by earwigs unlike the last batch.Pink buckwheat blooming.Mom, is this the Liatris from home? (Also some pretty Dicanthelium grass)Widow sedum about to bloom!
Yarrow from home about to bloom.Linum rigidum (yellow flax) from home is blooming! It’s an annual, but I’m hoping it will go to seed.The mailbox irises are varied this year!Closeup of purple.Closeup of pink.This englemann daisy has lost a few petals!The two leaf senna is growing a second pair of leaves!!Two baby flax are just starting their adult leaves.The false gaura is doing fine but there was also this very nice fly on its label.Gulf coast penstemon from the NPSOT plant sale is blooming!
Viola bicolor going to seed!There’s a lot of it growing this year. I have taken some of the seeds and sprinkled over on the new filled in soil as I don’t want to bury their next generation. Native Bluets going to seed!Mystery plant in raised bed. Tree of heaven (invasive non native) has been suggested.Mostly got this leak taken care of with new rubber seals and Teflon tape. There’s still a tiny drip, but I’ll just call it watering the strawberries. Before, it was a consistent trickle.Extremely bored helper.Four varieties of strawberry. First harvest of the season.Culinary sage in rainbow garden is about to bloom!Potato straw bales are growing!!Blue flax babies where I’m pointing, as well as larger ones near front of picture. The broad leafed plant to the right is mealy blue sage.
This is Penstemon grandiflorus which allegedly likes sand so hopefully the very dry loose dirt rock garden will keep it happy.Ta da!I checked my other mystery legumes and these have three leaves instead of two. So I don’t know who they are.A second one. There are also 2-3 like this in the backyard prairie. I’ll have to see if I have any candidates on the spreadsheet. Edit: no legumes there, so it must be a volunteer. Maybe the tiny wild bean vine of some sort I saw in backyard prairie last year?When I finished planting the obedient plant roots in the backyard (and there were two in my package!!!) along with the plant sale native flowers, I watered everything. It was getting dark, so instead of plants here is cat friend Shackleton on his leash investigating the Missouri fluttermill primrose bud smells.He loves his leash adventures.
Bladderpod with small native beeFor someone who is probably growing this fellow’s relative, I sure have a hard time identifying cacti. I believe it’s Coryphantha sulcata based on having one central spine per areole. Here’s my baby.Mom looks at photos she is taking.Mom takes more photos.It’s a magnificent creek!Bubbles on moss.Neat rocks the creek goes through.A mournful thyris moth. We saw more in redbud flowers. I think it may have been getting water here, because if you zoom in you can see its proboscis out.A cricket frog!Another big view. You can see a redbud in the woods.Englemann daisies growing above the creek! They’re much smaller than the ones in my garden. Presumably less water.A white bush honeysuckle (a native one, Lonicera albiflora) branches over the creek.This is probably a hawthorn shrub. Thanks to Abby for the suggestion that helped me look it up! There seem to be a lot of very similar species.Here’s the probably-hawthorn trunk.This seems familiar.Ah ha! A Missouri fluttermill primrose! Note the red speckled and sort of square long flower bud.An old seed pod at the base of the primrose plant. The leaves are much less red than the ones in my garden.Ceanothus herbaceus, redroot or New Jersey tea.Here are the leaves. I am growing its relative C. americanus (also called New Jersey tea) in my garden, from seeds bought from flax! It’s probably Linum pratense, which is an annual. Apparently it does intergrade with the perennial Linum lewisii which is what I planted in my yard.This flax hasn’t bloomed but you can see the leaves are very like the L. lewsii ones in my yard.Another Englemann daisy demonstrates how adaptable this species is, growing up on the barrens away from the creek.Just to the left, just below the middle of this picture is another fluttermill.Cymopterus, a very early blooming wildflower, starts to go to seed.I think this must be a much younger fluttermill Missouri primrose that has already bloomed.This is prairie burnet. I’d never noticed it before. Thanks to Abby for the identification!Yellow star grass (not actually a grass).Another fluttermill primrose, this time in a big beautiful mound.The face of abandonment.Another dog who didn’t get to go.