I hope the Lizardtail gaura is firmly established after this year. There are multiple plants flowering and going to seed in several places around the yard. Wild annual sunflowers blooming in the background. Blue mistflower is blooming! Before I took the picture it had a bee fly and several tiny bees on it but they did not like my camera phone coming up close. The fall obedient plants from a coworker are considering blooming. I put several around the yard and this one by the friendly moisture of the bird bath is doing best. The Texas mallow has been blooming regularly in the dry shade. Paula saw a hummingbird feeding at one a few weeks ago. My Canada goldenrod from Abby is doing well and just started to bloom!
Last night we had a lovely series of small thunderstorms and got a half an inch of rain in the gauge. This morning I think the flowers looked a little cleaner!! These are Grindelia ciliata in front of gaura and Maximilian sunflowers. The smaller yellow flowers are Heterotheca subaxillaris, which I recently learned has the common name of camphorweed. I keep forgetting to smell it.
The sea oats that came up a few years ago from purchased seeds. They finally bloomed!There are three surprise amaryllis in the yard! They are all this shade of pink. Not native, but obviously tough, and not spreading so it can stay for now. The Texas mallows have begun to bloom! I love how bright they are in the shade. Rudbeckia lacinata from Abby is very happy this wet summer and has started to bloom. Helianthus petiolaris from seeds are starting to bloom! There is a crab spider hiding behind one petal that you can just see their legs.
Paula’s Escobaria vivipara cactus continues to bloom beautifully in the daytime. It was cloudy. I’m not sure if that matters for it to bloom. A very frilly summer iris begins… I think this one is from Judy?The standing cypress is really going now with multiple plants in full bloom!The Chef made a delicious pizza with fresh basil and oregano from the yard. I believe this is a safflower that sprouted from the bird seed. I believe these are our two different sunflowers species. The one on the left has narrower and wavy edged leaves; we think/hope it’s Helianthus petiolaris (both Mom and another friend have given us seeds). The one on the right has big broad leaves and I think is an offspring of the Helianthus annuus that volunteered last year. Ironweed is starting to bud. Greeneyes is about to bloom!The blackberries are starting to ripen! These are wild volunteers dug from Mom and Dad’s house. Last but definitely not least, on Tuesday morning I woke up and emerged to find Gram happily snuggling the Doggie. Briar seemed to understand she could not move as is the cat rule. She was not unhappy though. Eventually he got up to look out the newly opened window so she was released so she could scratch an itch haha.
The first of our Ohio Spiderworts from prairie moon to bloom! (That’s a dayflower leaf under it in case that’s confusing.)Turns out the mystery plant in with the Venus looking glass is a second kind of Venus looking glass! It just has narrower leaves. Both have milky sap. Last year’s plant (it might have lived two years? I’m not sure)Bigger babyTiny babiesMore babiesEven more babies The juniper leaf in the driveway. I have gotten it to sprout in small pots but it never stays alive. Cuttings ok too but I think it needs to be able to put down a long root. However, they sure love this one crack in the driveway.