The rainbow garden is almost there. The winecups have gotten MASSIVE. I have never seen such mammoth winecup leaves in the wild.
A typical winecup with regular sized leaves. We saw this one today on our afternoon walk, at Saxon Park.
A view panning over to see the Salvia greggii and coreopsis too. All the white flowers in the raised beds are cilantro. If you’ve been looking at our iNaturalist feed, the cilantro flowers are hopping with insect activity.
Williams pride apple is blooming. Seckel pear has started to leaf out and the Liberty apple behind it too. I think this one is the bud on the Arkansas Black Apple. Or maybe McIntosh. I forget already. Update: Paula checked and it’s McIntosh. Butterfly milkweed coming up in the rainbow garden!
The greeneyes is starting to bloom in the backyard prairie! This grew from seeds that I put out a year, maybe two years, ago.Hmm… What is this brown lumpy thing on the butterfly milkweed?An exciting, dare I say unexpected, find by Paula… The Unexpected Cycnia moth caterpillar!I spotted this second Unexpected Cycnia caterpillar on a different plant a few inches away. Apparently they only eat milkweeds, so we are very pleased to find one in the orange butterfly milkweed section of the rainbow garden. It’s also our 150th yard species on inaturalist!A dead cicada. No fun buzzes but Briar hoped.Watermelon in the farm share this week. Yum!!
Maybe Phacelia?I found at least four leaves full of my amazing tree hopper friends.Each leaf had a different set of adults or immatures.Adults get taken care of too.Babies!!!The leaf bends where the treehopper eggs were.Lace bugFrogfruit east of patio is doing well. Just moved a piece there this spring.Nice true bugDog flower highly mobile.Monarda future flower bud??Baptisia and okraRudbeckia maxima from Abby has a new leaf.A planthopper (Flatidae) on curly dock. First time for this family in the yard?? I used to see them regularly at home.Rattlesnake master still lives.Passionvine (seeds from Bartlesville) doing well in their second year.Tiny bee on butterfly milkweedHedeoma in with Datura.
Strawberries! Just a few left. They peaked back a while ago.Lemon balm is blooming.This salad contains garden radishes and garden lettuce.Butterfly milkweed in backyard.Verbena halei is leaning under the ironweed.The yellow in the rainbow garden has stopped blooming but the rock garden primroses are blooming!Standing cypress is looking magnificent after several days of tons of rain.
Butterfly milkweed has finally opened!Stubby okra seedlingHaving walking onions as a garnish is an easy way to get a meal bloggable.All dished up.Glass gem popcorn seems very happy!
A new kind of plant in the plant window.Widow sedum in full bloom with a background of Englemann daisies.A second baby two leaf senna is coming up in a container!! This one is in yard soil instead of potting soil. Very excited.Briar lounges on the buffalo grass with the widow sedums to her left and Englemann daisies behind her.Going through the house to go see front yard, I glimpse the new plant. Hi Shacks!Rainbow garden orange is considering blooming (butterfly milkweed).Fluttermill Missouri primrose is living up to its name with new seedpods produced!A Venus looking glass volunteered in the strawberry bed! I love these. Apparently they’re annuals.This tiny native cucurbit vine appears every year and I adore it.