We got a very sudden storm, with over two inches of rain. We accidentally broke off a sunflower stem while putting the trash and recycling bins back behind them. The trimmed off flowers looked lovely with the dinner! Thanks Paula for trimming them to save them!Paula added the fun pumpkins from last week’s farm share after the Chef rearranged the flowers a bit.
The Chef had a professional lunch at colleagues’ house yesterday and requested something to take since they didn’t need any additional food brought. I snipped an assortment of garden flowers and herbs and put them in a jar. The Chef did his arrangement magic and trimmed the various stems to a pleasing length. Rudbeckia, an orange zinnia, and a tall smartweed are at the top. Mealy blue sage and Salvia greggii hug the middle. Three winecups and a pink zinnia edge the rim of the jar over a peachy orange raffia bow.