I was pulling some bermudagrass that is still in the buffalograss. Briar sat and helped. Behind her is the orange and red section of the rainbow garden. The new orange Agastache is in full bloom by the dwarf peach tree. The tall stalks are what’s still blooming of the standing cypress. In front of those stalks are the Will Rogers zinnias. After a few generations some other colors are sneaking in- especially that bright yellow one! It’s pretty though. Over by the house in the background you can see our Maximilian Sunflowers in front of the trash and recycling bins sure have gotten tall.
All the pulled invasive dayflowers and bermudagrass was piling up on the path by the mini prairie. Since we had guests coming this evening for an outdoor meal I swept everything and pulled up some of the endless maple seedlings that were sprouting too. This shows off the tepary beans starting to climb the trellis too!
Beginning to stake.This section not in yet. We got it all in tonight wedged in with dirt. We’ll let it relax in warm sun for a day or two, then go ahead and stake and fill the rest, as well as start picking out Bermuda grass roots from our side.
Snowed Saturday overnight, so this is Sunday morning.Heated bird bath, much luxury.Hopefully the bit of snow kept baby cacti and succulents and Hedeoma safe with a low of 12°F overnight.Leaves and wire mesh stayed put.So did the towels. We’ll probably uncover again in a few days once the next deep cold snap is over. A season of extremes!This strawberry had a flower. Bad idea.Rain barrels all open so they don’t crack.Sugar peas definitely done this time.The rain softened the ground enough that the three of us managed to dig the shallow trench needed for the border (to keep Bermuda grass out of raised beds) in about 40 minutes before dinner tonight.
Roundup is starting to take effect on Bermuda grass. I can’t plant the buffalograss until I get that nasty invader out.A different bumblebee (or maybe robber fly mimic?? It flew different I thought) came to get water while I watered rainbow garden beds.Saturday morning dog. She is four years old as of Friday!Ironweed buds! Looking forward to the purple!Briar helping me garden on her birthday. Buffalograss corner of prairie is a good laying spot!I trimmed all the dying dill and cilantro out of the herb bed so I could see what’s going on with parsley, sage, and oregano better.
Plant instructions said to let them readjust to the world before planting, so they are outside in indirect light to start.Cilantro turning to coriander (the seed).White currant tomato seeds saved from last year grew true to variety!!Garlic harvest was very sparse. I guess the big February deep freeze got more than I thought.Moon and stars watermelon leaf has such adorable “stars”! I can’t wait for the fruit.Added more cardboard to my backyard Bermuda grass killing operation. Thank you Dad for this excellent giant cardboard!!One area of Bermuda grass in the backyard seemed dead enough to reseed with buffalograss and curly mesquite grass.A beautiful very smooth gray moth.Maybe an Arctiid? I need to look it up.My finger for scale.