Mom gave me Rudbeckia amplexicaulis seeds last year and I hadn’t seen any seedling candidates, but apparently I missed some! Here are very small ones flowering!
Replanted coreopsis looking rather worse for the wear but still has some leaves, so I hope for its recovery.Mealy blue sage for blue. Seedlings transplanted to pots from near the house ones, and now grown big enough for the ground.Culinary sage for a light purple.Waiting on other colors but you can see it’s starting to take shape! The peach tree will be part of the orange section. The butterfly weed seeds will probably take a while to get going, so I am also waiting on some marigold seeds for fast orange.
A baby frog, probably a gray treefrog? It hopped from a pot to a carrot leaf. So small. This was my big surprise last night.First moss rose flower of the season.Today’s surprise is the tall mystery plant has finally bloomed!It turned out to be a four-point primrose!! I remember having seeds from Mom and planting them, but I don’t remember planting them in this particular spot. 🤣🤷