I need to add captions and descriptions to the rest of the pics, but this Spiranthes sp was neat to see coming up!Briar and Paula in safety hunter orange. False garlic with tiny moths. Paula caught a Little Brown Skink!The skink did not want to stay for a visit. A prairie verbena!Armadillo!!! Briar ready, but actual briar vines kept her from following it far. First Lomatium of the day. Briar helped by putting her nose by it. Arnoglossum sp! LeavesBigger Arnoglossum species leaves!The lovely valley we walked around. Had some damp spots. Milkweed! Probably Asclepias verticillata??Echinacea probably angustifolia? Leaf and last year’s seed head. Thanks for laying down in the mud puddle, BRIAR.Nostoc algae and scale lichens!Paula found this great potter wasp nest!Eventually found a big patch of Lomatium blooming. Some Lomatium in light shade. Some Lomatium almost done blooming. Some Lomatium out in the sun. Another prairie verbena. A puccoon just opening!
I was putting some books on my desk shelf this evening when in my peripheral vision I noticed more purple plant growing light visible than should be. I keep a towel over it to protect our eyes. I examined the gap in the cover more closely and realized Shackleton was curled up contentedly on the heating pad, which is set to a cozy 85 degrees F. There’s even a bit of dust (spilled potting soil). Shackleton napping peacefully with the last unsprouted pepper pot, bathed in a purple glow. Busted, buddy. The nice thing about this tray is that I can slide it out to check on seedlings AND clever cats. He did a big back arching stretch of casual innocence. Shackleton emerges from his vacation tray, complete with unnecessary UV exposure. 🙄Paula moved Shacks back to his actual cat heating pad on the couch. I put a bunch of empty pots in the tray with the one seedling pot and put more up in front of the towel-curtain, as well as a series of inconvenient containers. Hopefully this will persuade Shacks to stick to his heated bed or at least clogging up our amplifier with his hair.
Visited home last weekend and Mom and Dad kindly let us take home some calcareous soil from an already disturbed area – the “lake”.I had planned to shovel the soil but they kindly offered the much easier method of front-end loader. 🙂 We did scrape in a few small little bluestems and other plants that I have kept!Since the soil was heavy, I carefully moved it into a bucket I could lift, and also searched for those little plants I mentioned got scraped in.Paula and I put careful layers of soil and water to get it compact in the planters by the front door.Paula smoothed them nicely and added water.You can see the plants I found in the background, sitting on the porch. This is the final picture with a dusting of cactus/succulent/citrus potting soil on top.Shackleton helped me sort the calcareous soil/barrens specialist seeds that Mom gave me.Here are all the seeds in place with little markers! I also put one each little bluestem in the pot, a possible Oldplainsman in each, and a mystery round-leafed green plant. We’ll see what they become!I did the two planters symmetrical but mirror images since they are on either side of the porch. Fingers crossed we get some sprouts in the spring!