04/06/2023 morning wander at Black Mesa State Park
We are now at Black Mesa State Park. Mom and briar look for a bird!We went to the start of the Petrified Forest trail. We will explore more in a few days. Here’s a petrified log! Briar also smelled it. I love all the grama grass here!This big flat rock had an unexplained old bolt and washer in it. Here’s the lichen on the same big flat rock!There’s a Say’s Phoebe in here. we also saw a bunch of American Goldfinches and House Finches. There was a Canyon Towhee by the park office! We have also been hearing flickers and robins.
4 Replies to “04/06/2023 morning wander at Black Mesa State Park”
Whoa! This is definitely on my To Visit list now!
You should put on your list!
Looks like briar approves.