Posted on April 24, 2022April 24, 2022Afternoon irises and reading Between rains. By the mailbox. After rain. In the rock garden. Missouri fluttermill primrose in the rock garden. I like how the sepals are red speckled. The ground plum looks a little better!! While it was raining, I finished Gathering Moss: a Cultural and Natural History Mosses. It was good! Highly recommend! Thanks Mom for lending it. Paula sent me a great article on heirloom collard greens seed saving.
Posted on April 6, 2022April 6, 2022Vacation! Days 1 and 2 Day 1: arrival Wow!!! Gracie!!!!! A male Black-chinned Hummingbird. Mom says they arrived recently. Greeneyes! A nice big rosette to compare to my baby greeneyes in the garden. Mom says the crenate leaf edge is pretty distinctive. It was over 90°F. Warm for fluffy. Day 2: Wednesday. This cluster of tulips is probably nearly 30 years old. Not bad for an “replant this every year” bulb. Lots of frogs singing at night! A fringed puccoon blooming. After looking at the veins and the curled under edge, I think my mystery plants in yard are not puccoon.
Posted on March 25, 2022March 25, 2022Indoor tomato, outdoor dinner Wes put the indoor Dwarf Audrey’s Love tomato in slices on this sandwich. “hello I am sandwich” During clean up, I saw one daffodil blooming by the compost. It came with the house.
Posted on October 20, 2021October 20, 2021Home again, volunteer cucurbit This native cucurbit is so cute with the sedums! It volunteers everywhere and I love it.
Posted on September 19, 2021September 20, 2021Surprises Missouri Yellow Watermelon split open partially, so we split it the rest of the way to eat the unexposed part. Very nice! Spider lilies started blooming today. Not native, never see anything on them, but they were already here and they’re weird! Closeup of spotted euphorbia (Euphorbia maculata). Paula spotted this exciting find: a hornworm with parasitic pupae on it!! Dolba hyloeus also known as the pawpaw sphinx. One of the host plants is yaupon holly, which is where Paula found it. Mom said to save it in a jar so we can see what kind of wasps come out. She recently had a parasitized tobacco hornworm from Judy.
Posted on September 19, 2021September 19, 2021Afternoon things More pink flowers on succulent Beans and okra
Posted on September 9, 2021September 9, 2021Experiment Abby kindly gave me her extra prickly pear cactus pads (Opuntia humifusa) which I shall attempt to grow. This succulent from Judy in my rock garden has a surprise pink flower!
Posted on August 8, 2021August 8, 2021Amaryllis I think It is a volunteer over by the fence that divides the backyard.
Posted on August 4, 2021August 4, 2021Primary colors! The rainbow bed has blue, yellow, and red blooming now. The iris is helping but is not part of the actual beds. Paula’s plant lounge. A big bird grasshopper! Love our banana spiders. I know we have at least three big ones around the garden in the front yard. This one has used the loofah gourd tendrils for its web anchors. Or the gourd is using the web as a support. Who knows! The zinnia has opened! Looking from the red end of the rainbow towards the street.