I love the volunteer perennial wild violets that come up all over the yard. We especially have a lot in the shade of the backyard, but I’ve found some up front too.
Continue reading “03/03/2024 and 03/04/2024 perennial violets”03/02/2024 ups and downs
03/02/2024 frostweed getting going
Frostweed doesn’t bloom until the fall migration of Monarchs, but it is certainly ready to get started growing! I already found some leaves and the distinctive winged stem coming up near the back fence.
Continue reading “03/02/2024 frostweed getting going”02/28/2024 spring ephemerals
The non native dandelions and henbit usually start first here but we’re starting to get some native flowers emerging! Plus, daffodil update.
Continue reading “02/28/2024 spring ephemerals”02/27/2024 pear ideas
Both pear trees have ideas about spring, but only leaves. I’m not sure how old they need to be to bloom.
Continue reading “02/27/2024 pear ideas”02/27/2024 daffodils came with the house, plus bonus fungus
Why is native plant Claire moving daffodils around? I wouldn’t go out and buy more daffodils as they’re not native and I never see anything use them. However, since they were here, I divided and spread them along the row of Salvia greggii out front of the veggie beds. they’re not taking up space from anything else at the moment. I feel like a few familiar plants shows people this is deliberate and if I need the room for something else bulbs are easy to move.
Finally, soap box moment, I know purchased tulip bulbs often come with dangerous antifungals on them when purchased. I assume other bulbs do too. So if you’re a bulb fan, definitely look into trading some from a neighbor or getting organic.
Continue reading “02/27/2024 daffodils came with the house, plus bonus fungus”02/24/2024 strawberry flower!
Paula spotted this first flower of the season on one of the Chandler variety strawberry plants. This plant is right under the condensation drip.
Continue reading “02/24/2024 strawberry flower!”02/22/2024 budding time
Spring is springing!
Continue reading “02/22/2024 budding time”02/18/2024 obedient rosette
Some plants have no trouble pushing up through the fallen oak leaf layer.
Continue reading “02/18/2024 obedient rosette”02/18/2024 finally the right spot
I have a loose rule that if I can’t get something to grow and thrive after three tries in different locations then our yard is not the home for them.
Continue reading “02/18/2024 finally the right spot”