Buckwheat is blooming.Peruvian ground cherries are having a few potential fruits!Paula and I repotted all the winter babies.More babies.The Missouri Yellow Watermelon weighs almost 12 lbs!It’s so ripe that when I started to slice, it cracked open more on its own.It was very tasty and sweet and crisp.In the evening, I sliced some peppers for freezing. Green ones are jalapeños from our garden and red ones are serranos from a friend.I made a small batch of salsa verde. Too little to can, so I froze it.
Tomatoes have started producing again a bit.Checking to see if my guess that ugly ones are bad is correct. Seems generally so, if the idea that floating beans are no good is true.Buckwheat flowers.The Chef found a third egg case today. Our spider is working hard! Here she has a grasshopper.
Was almost full last year. Hope we get same this year.Two black swallowtail cats on carrots in front yard that survived the earwigs.The front one in focus.
I froze tiny tomatoes last night and they left funny holes.Two Bombus impatiens (common eastern bumblebee).Trimmed out the dead spots in the middle rosemary. I’m not sure why it’s upset.Paula very wisely suggested trimming the Salvia greggii so we can better access the veggies, plus it’ll make them bloom more again.As an experiment, we also trimmed back one of the Salvia farinacea (mealy blue sage) which are all getting very leggy.
Very excited to have a Gulf Fritillary in the yard!I hope it found the passionvine in the back yard.Made more salsa verde.The Chef helpfully cans.Ruff day gardening, need a nap.Mail call!! Fall/winter peas, trying new ones.A wildflower and an herb.Trying again on parsnip this year with fresh seeds.Winter indoor gardening ideas.