Harvesting onions and hilling potatoes

6 kg of yellow granex onions.
4.5 kg white granex onions.
Briar smiles over the bounty. The Chef is going to chop and dehydrate the stems/leaves for green onions. About 1.6 kg of green onion from both varieties.
Put the last tub of city compost on the potatoes to “hill” them so they put out more roots. All the bags are fully opened up now.
Zucchini begins.

Down to one apple

I noticed a bump on one of the two remaining baby apples. The apple in question fell right off so I guess it was a goner anyways.
A top view of the wee beastie after I coaxed it out with a piece of grass. I believe it’s a fly maggot but it seems too big from what I read of the common apple fly maggot (Rhagoletis sp).
“Nooooo don’t turn me over”
“Where’s my apple???”
“Hmph.”. Back upright for a full length portrait with its prey.


Yellow granex onions (white granex flowers appear same as far as I can tell).
Garlic flowers with cilantro/coriander flowers in background.
Mini bell pepper begins!
Another sweet pepper, this one called corbaci!
Moon and stars watermelon leaf. The fruit is speckled and honestly I think the leaf is that way too? I searched for online images yesterday and few showed the leaves well but I think it’s not a disease.