Ready to go!We looked around behind Lake Dahlgren. Here is all I put on iNaturalist. I put a few of the prettiest ones here in the post directly too. I recognized Seedbox (Ludwigia alternifolia) from its fun pods! We have some in our garden. Liverworts!Dog for scale next to moss. The clouds came and went. It was cool and breezy but I did okay with just one layer of long sleeves. Splitbeard bluestem is so pretty with its tufts. I think this picture would be a fun puzzle. Nodule habitat Close upI found some nodules in the sandstone!Blackberry stemMaybe not lichenI thought this blackberry stem had lichens, which would have been unusual, but I think maybe it was a fungus.
5 Replies to “02/03/2024 Lexington WMA walk”
What a fun day for yall!!! I agree….looks more like fungus on the blackberry.
What a fun day for yall!!! I agree….looks more like fungus on the blackberry.
Such red red soil. Bluestem is wonderful. All kinds. It is a beautiful pic.
Thank you!
Wow, your photo of the splitbeard bluestem is so pretty! I agree about the puzzle.
Thank you! I got really lucky with the lighting yesterday.