Walking onions from garden, assorted farm share veggies, with glass noodles and chicken.Pulled a lot more Maximilian sunflower this evening. I put it in a tub with some potting soil to keep until they can go to new homes.I found a baby spittlebug on one sunflower stem! I took it over to the sunflowers we’re keeping so it can keep eating.In the front yard, a few winecup seedlings are coming up in the ground cover orchard area.More baby winecup!I pulled up two more native black walnut seedlings and potted them.Hopefully this one can make it with only half its remaining food. Anyways, this makes a total of four. I have found good homes for most or all of them now. Our lot is too small for another big tree.
Home from doggie daycare.I need to look this one up again but we have a lot. It’s native. It’s Solanaceae. Edit: Mom says Solanum ptycanthum.Yellow flax (Linum rigidum) and showy evening primrose.The sadly too common Canis bordumA winecup seedling!!More winecup seedlings!!A few leaves have stayed green on the fragrant sumac. I’ve been using the terracotta pot to dribble out more water to it.Desert blue curls!! (Phacelia campanularia). I was really baffled about the little purple spotted seedlings but this is it. Yay!!Cactus planter prickly pears doing well.Asian long bean from my aunt are growing well.Knock on not-rotting wood, the Roman chamomile hasn’t been eaten by earwigs unlike the last batch.Pink buckwheat blooming.Mom, is this the Liatris from home? (Also some pretty Dicanthelium grass)Widow sedum about to bloom!
Horsetail just shoves the hard soil out of the way!!More Stark Surecrop Pie Cherries.Soaker hose hard at work for the winecups and chamomile.The hose has a leak so I put the leak over a pot of Maximilian sunflowers.The Chef spotted ants carrying away this insect. Maybe a soldier fly??He also spotted this milkweed bug. Hi milkweed bug! All three butterfly milkweeds in the front yard rainbow garden are up, plus the wild milkvines are pushing up everywhere too.
The winecup sprouts are now in assorted soils. A few in a big pot, lots in sprouting pots. The rightmost pot is one of the purple and pink perennial pots.Lots of winecup seeds and sprouts to hopefully become ground cover where the soaker hose is!While I had the potting soil out, I also repotted the Missouri fluttermill primrose seedlings. There are three total – one kept wilting, so I figured they needed more soil to have a stable moisture level.
The Chef helped me connect and lay out the second soaker hose where I will attempt to plant some winecup seeds soon.The winecup seeds in question, a few days ago, in stratification in the fridge. They’re ready to get started.Imagine my surprise to look up from my garden spreadsheet and find a Gray Catbird on the closer birdbath! I saw one last year in the yard in spring migration too.SPLASHThe lone rain barrel out in the yard is an overflow for another one, and I have placed it next to a new plant (the beautyberry) so I can hopefully water it someday.
Blue flax seedlings are getting tiny new leaves.Possibly a false gaura! It looks different from the common volunteers!Two Datura wrightii seedlings!A senna hopeful.It is actually a bit rough, so maybe this is the rough leaf sunflower??A redbud I potted up last year.The Euphorbia from Mom and Dad’s house is perking back up.Roman chamomile did well while I was gone!Lettuce and bok choy doing good.Two more fluttermill Missouri primrose seedlings up!The horse crippler cactus transplanted from Mom’s garden.I’ve put a drip on the ground plum (actually a legume) since yesterday, as it seems to be having a rough transplant. This is also into the rock garden.In the rainbow garden, a mystery seedling. Maybe two leaf senna???Butterfly milkweed is coming up in rainbow garden.Maybe another butterfly milkweed? It’s in the right place.A single cilantro seedling. The only one in the yard. In that crack.A winecup from two years ago.Purple prairie clover from two years ago.Maybe Liatris leaves? It’s in the right spot.Another mystery seedling.Tall vervain is perking up a bit.Ten petal anemone are perking up too!Greeneyes getting bigger!My blue stars are blooming!Salvia azurea leaves.
Lyre leaf sage blooming. Hopefully mine will be blooming soon in Oklahoma.A Swiss Chard is coming up.Mystery seedling… Too early for oregano??Dogs!!Clouds like mountains.Native tiny bee on Callirhoe involucrata (winecup).Chickadee wasn’t on her nest yesterday, but she was today.More fun!!A solider beetle yesterday. Mom has the ID.Two of these moths in one day (yesterday).If you look just above the moth, you can see a tiny planthopper.
Here at Camp Arthritis we’re taking lots of slow short walks. Perfect to admire the resident plants! This is a blackberry in the old, less productive patch. These plants keep their leaves over the winter. They turn a dark purple.The new blackberry patch is expanding rapidly. These plants lose all their leaves in the winter. This patch is where our yard ones were dug.A trailing winecup leaf (Callirhoe involucrata). I have seeds for this in cold stratification in the fridge right now.A true armyworm moth is having a very bad day. Its mate appears to have died and is stuck to it. I guess really both of them are having a bad day.Tiny tiny tiny ants. Diane says probably Monomorium sp. Thanks Diane!!Cute little new leaves on a post oak!
Got winecup (Callirhoe involucrata) seeds in the mail from prairiemoon.com. This species gets boiling water then 30 days cold in fridge. They also kindly sent a free seed packet of Dalea purpurea which we immediately planted.The straggler roots of Maximilian sunflower are everywhere. Paula and I lifted up this stepping stone to find more. We’re potting them up to give away. The big colony that we transferred over to edge of shade is sprouting too.Glass gem popcorn now in the raised beds!Judy gave me these delightful frog stepping stones for my birthday! Thanks Judy!!The Phacelia leaf in the rock garden is very similar to the invasive geranium leaf I am holding, but isn’t as round.In the very middle, you can see a single Datura pushing up. The other seedlings look like what I hoped was honeysuckle, but is now coming up everywhere.This seedling is in the Two-Leaf Senna pot. We’ll see.Human, you must rest.
Cat greets morning sun, waiting for his Doggie to return inside.Lemon balm herb reemerging.Mystery seedlings in the prickly pear planter. EDIT: These are baby anise hyssop (Agastache)!! Compare the seedlings on the prairiemoon.com website.A speckled mystery seedling in the prickly pear planter.Another mystery.Tiny mystery.Probably mare’s tail seedlings?Probably white avens seedling?In the cactus planter, this Escobaria missouriensis and its smaller sibling are doing well.I think this is a winecup rosette. Hurrah! Don’t know why it didn’t bloom last year, but I’m glad one survived from two falls ago.Whitlow-wort transplant is going to seed. May it come back next year!