That means plant moving time! (Because if it rains then I don’t have to water them.). This is one of two C. altissimum Thistles that have survived (a third seedling is up too we noticed). I’m not sure if the cold was too much in a pot, or it’s been too wet. All the undulatum seem to have died and a big chunk of texanum did too, because of those two holding too much water in pot trays. The texanum in the ground seem fine.
A fingertip sized baby thistle!Bigger thistle baby!Another thistle rosette They apparently overwinter this way This rosette I’m not sure if it’s texanum or undulatum. I haven’t seen any undulatum seeds up yet in my pots. This is the same individual as to the left, showing the white closely hairy underside of the thistle leaves. These five thistle rosettes are probably mostly or all texanum, based on that only my texanum seeds have germinated into similar size rosettes. These are all at my parents’ house, where I got the seeds. Yay!
A male velvet ant foraging on the widow sedum!Milkvine are sprouting everywhere. Hope it’s a good year for milkweed tussock moths!Yarrow from home is blooming.The striped planthoppers are still out on ironweed today.Greeneyes leaves are fuzzy and my watering spillage shows it off.Rudbeckia lacinata from Abby is getting tall!Texas buckeye has added some leaves and seems to be food for someone.Carolina buckthorn from plant sale doing fine.Mexican buckeye from plant sale doing fine.Texas mallows are coming back up! At least three in the shade of the big red oak.Thistle from home. Mom did a lovely post on these fine flowers recently. They are homes and food for many friends.Mystery grass that came with the thistle soil. Possibly Canada wild rye. I have been asked to get better photos. Jeanne has kindly identified it as an annual native barley.The beautyberry has perked up.False garlic is going to seed! I took one pod across the patio to the “prairie” area and left the other here east of the patio.