Last year’s Datura is pushing up through the leaves!!This Solomon’s seal is considering blooming. The Strophostyles fuzzybeans are growing where I put them in compost pile wall blocks!These wild yellow Oxalis volunteers are really looking good this year en masse. This plantain came with the spike moss from Jeanne’s house in Nc TX. Ratidiba columifera seedlings. Top adult leavesSeed leaves remainingThis second individual isn’t growing as tall. Baptisia probably bracteata seedlings!Possibly green milkweed seedlings in that pot with the Baptisia. In the cactus tiered planter, a mystery seedling. Mystery seedlings in the rose/bluehearts planter. Still hoping for bluehearts!A brome grass. I need to key it. Not one of the common non native ones. Not sure if volunteers or I planted.
Mystery plants in rock garden. Mystery plant in rock garden. In the right place for where I put scarlet pea but maybe too pointy leaves? We shall see. I think a Houstonia bluet and a baby ponysfoot. This is in the right place for fuzzy beans. I suspect this is also a fuzzy bean (Strophostyles sp).
The two leaf senna had a second new flower today! The three leaved legume around it is Strophostyles bean, a native volunteer.I’ve seen several Bell’s roadside skippers lately in the backyard.