Viola bicolor going to seed!There’s a lot of it growing this year. I have taken some of the seeds and sprinkled over on the new filled in soil as I don’t want to bury their next generation. Native Bluets going to seed!Mystery plant in raised bed. Tree of heaven (invasive non native) has been suggested.Mostly got this leak taken care of with new rubber seals and Teflon tape. There’s still a tiny drip, but I’ll just call it watering the strawberries. Before, it was a consistent trickle.Extremely bored helper.Four varieties of strawberry. First harvest of the season.Culinary sage in rainbow garden is about to bloom!Potato straw bales are growing!!Blue flax babies where I’m pointing, as well as larger ones near front of picture. The broad leafed plant to the right is mealy blue sage.
Snowed Saturday overnight, so this is Sunday morning.Heated bird bath, much luxury.Hopefully the bit of snow kept baby cacti and succulents and Hedeoma safe with a low of 12°F overnight.Leaves and wire mesh stayed put.So did the towels. We’ll probably uncover again in a few days once the next deep cold snap is over. A season of extremes!This strawberry had a flower. Bad idea.Rain barrels all open so they don’t crack.Sugar peas definitely done this time.The rain softened the ground enough that the three of us managed to dig the shallow trench needed for the border (to keep Bermuda grass out of raised beds) in about 40 minutes before dinner tonight.
A lot of blue lake green beans.Several tomato varieties are ripening.UF garden gem was fine but all of the UF “W” at a similar color rotted and molded. Perhaps they don’t like the endless rain? I will watch more closely for ripening now too.The Chef tied all the onions up for storage.The mini bell peppers are more mini than I expected.Corbaci peppers. I think the three little ones aren’t ready, but their plant died.A mini bell pepper plant died too, in the same way, a rotting brown at the base.This mushroom looks like it should be named lemon chiffon something.Weighing the dried garlic.Pseudothyris sp. moth resting on strawberry leaf.
Several strawberry runners took root so I snipped the runners.I set out a tray of dirt to try to capture more strawberry runners.The Chef helped me cut down the yaupon holly that was planted in a bad spot. It kept hitting the garage roof and gutter. Nine of ten water barrels are now in place for use! Dinner… I made it this time. It includes a few of the new tomatoes (as well as a store tomato) and fresh garden basil and oregano.Got mail!!Drying coriander (the cilantro seeds) for later harvest!Tepary beans reaching up!Wild poinsettia (A volunteer).The prairie and its rain barrel.Rudbeckia is looking great.A true bug.Standing cypress about to bloom!
Hello Briar shall we tour the garden today?A second Echinacea has fully opened!An okra seedling is up!Strawberries made it into breakfast this morning!“No is boring can we do something fun please”
Okay I lied this picture is from when it was still cloudy. But the rest are sunny pictures. Anyways, the Hedeoma is getting larger.You can see sun and shadows! I’m capturing strawberry runners to get more plants for elsewhere in yard.A very small William’s pride apple!!Garlic about to bloom (front) and in bloom (back, blurry, purplish).Salvia greggii is doing beautifully!!A lone zucchini bush considers flowering. Last year we had one plant but in a shadier spot and the flowers never “took” and eventually all the leaves got a nasty gray mildew or fungus or something. Hopefully it likes the sun better.