Briar enjoys laying in the prairie among the primroses and englemann daisies. Some of the grass in the new prairie (we’re calling it Leon’s prairie since it’s by Leon’s blackberry bushes) has turned out to be the native wild rye we seeded! Yay!Yellow Coreopsis looking bright with the tiny purple Verbena halei and the starry pink widow’s cross sedum!Shackleton had some thoughts. Briar says “walkies please??” (We did go walkies.)The showy evening primroses are looking lovely with their pale pink between the purple winecups in the back and the magenta Salvia greggii in the front. We didn’t even plant them on purpose, they were just in the soil Paula brought from the backyard berm. Coreopsis provides a nice yellow contrast at the end of the Salvia greggii row. More seedling winecups are coming up in the newer soil where we put seeds. Gram says it’s hard to use a dichotomous key for plant identification when the only numbers you know are “hello?” And “Doggie”. Shackleton somehow turned the pages and now says “I leave the identification as a trivial exercise for the reader.”We planted one Winecup in a tall skinny planter. It has bloomed now.
I enjoy how tiny the baby Astragalus leaves are. This is one of two. The other is in the front yard. Sedum nutallii from Jeanne is thriving and considering blooming!This mystery seedling is in a container where I planted silverleaf nightshade. We shall see. One of the rescued Pyrrhopappus tuberosus is blooming!Assorted seedlings from this county. All mixed together so we’ll see what comes up!
Yesterday, 12/31, I finally glued on the rain barrel cap holders that the Chef 3D printed for me! I used epoxy after cleaning both surfaces with ethanol. Paula got solar powered outdoor lights for Christmas and has used them to make the path to the compost visible! Edit: thanks to Mom for inquiring if we can turn the lights out. Yes we can! It’s important not to pollute the dark with more light than we use at any given moment. I am hoping these tiny seedlings are the annual bluets that sometimes grow in this part of the yard. Keeping an eye on them. A tinier potential annual bluet seedling next to the comparatively large wild geraniums. These two pictures were 12/31/2022. 12/28/2022, the Ratibida columnifera rosettes survived the big cold!Two Verbena halei rosettes also exist and made it!Finally, and very thrilling, two potential Penstemon oklahomensis seedlings! They don’t appear to be hairy leaves like some other common seedling volunteers. Stay tuned. Shackleton enjoyed a leashed walk in the same excellent 12/28 weather. Jeanne kindly sent us some Salaginella riddellii- Riddell’s Spike-Moss. We put the biggest chunk in the rainbow garden (in green of course) on 12/25. We put a smaller piece of the spike moss in the cactus planter. 12/25 was so nice we also moved some volunteers. This is the big root of a poke berry! We moved those along the back fence where another pokeberry lives. We also moved several ampelopsis from random spots in the yard to along the south fence trellis. A blackjack oak acorn with a sprout on it! We planted this exciting find (12/24) into a pot on 12/25. Fingers crossed for a spring sprout. Judy gave us an adorable toad house! I have placed it near the veggie beds. Please come eat our earwigs, toad friends. 12/24 checking the pot containing Sedum nutallii from Jeanne. The sedums seem to have made it along with Verbena rosettes (V. Halei??) and other intriguing volunteers. Going somewhere! Wow!! Happy briar in the car. On 12/24 we visited the lake at Lexington WMA. This seasonal creek was frozen solid! The lake was too. Briar wears her hunter orange. After the deep freeze, only the top tips of the recently transplanted rosemary got frozen. They were pressed down by the sheets. But the sheets protected the rest of the plant!
Heath asters from TX have started blooming. I think these may be sand lovegrass seedlings. I put them in a lot of pots with native flower seeds as a potential nurse plant. This is the Muhlenbergia schreberi grass from Abby. It has a fun common name. I wanted to ensure I don’t lose it or mistake it for something like a skinny bermudagrass in the shade. This is the planter of soil from Jeanne that had a big patch of annual Sedum nuttallii. There are a bunch of sedum-looking seedlings but also plenty of other interesting looking babies too!!I seeded these cowpen daisies pretty late and didn’t know if they’d come up until next year. Instead, they seem to have noticed the declining day length and have made the world’s tiniest cowpen daisy blooms. This is normally a medium size plant!At least one Carolina snailseed root from Abby has produced new leaves.
Home from doggie daycare.I need to look this one up again but we have a lot. It’s native. It’s Solanaceae. Edit: Mom says Solanum ptycanthum.Yellow flax (Linum rigidum) and showy evening primrose.The sadly too common Canis bordumA winecup seedling!!More winecup seedlings!!A few leaves have stayed green on the fragrant sumac. I’ve been using the terracotta pot to dribble out more water to it.Desert blue curls!! (Phacelia campanularia). I was really baffled about the little purple spotted seedlings but this is it. Yay!!Cactus planter prickly pears doing well.Asian long bean from my aunt are growing well.Knock on not-rotting wood, the Roman chamomile hasn’t been eaten by earwigs unlike the last batch.Pink buckwheat blooming.Mom, is this the Liatris from home? (Also some pretty Dicanthelium grass)Widow sedum about to bloom!
The Tupperware experiment Ashy Sunflowers have a few more sprouts as of 04/26. I need to move them more carefully as the last two I tried to plant promptly shriveled up and died.Texas mallow coming up!The other individual of Texas mallow coming up!Now on 04/28, an Ashy Sunflower actually sprouting from seed! I believe this was one that got stratified.04/28 rock garden is looking good.Penstemon grandiflorus from as bare root seems to be growing!The Astragalus (ground plum) not looking as good again.Finishing up the 04/28 pics, the culinary sage is blooming in the rainbow garden!
This rain barrel normally catches rain during light storms but Thursday afternoon’s downpour was too much.This barrel’s gutter downspout is often very aggressive and sure enough it hit the rain barrel perfectly.After the downpour (and after work), I got bits of sedum to press into the mud. Hopefully they can root since it’s supposed to be in 80s for a few days longer at least.If you zoom in, you can see I put two rows around each of the rainbow beds on the side slope.You may also note that the zinnias are doing well!!The back bed got smoothed down more by rain. See my previous post for how I continued shaping it on the next day (Friday). So glad I’m almost done with the major earth moving.