Leaves to insulate the baby bok choyLeaves to insulate the baby lettuceThe screen (made to keep rabbits out) holds the leaves in, in case there is wind.Apparently one should blanch small round fruit before attempting to make raisins. Regular ground cherries.A chironomid fly adult chilling near garage door.Some sort of cutworm, on collard greens, the previous night. I threw it out in yard where hopefully the mockingbird will find it.I touched another dog!The Chef successfully made honey mead! We tried it. Was good. He says it needs to age now.Crabapple jelly central.Hanging out in his haunted mansion.
Safe from bunnies, some innocent seedlings grow. But there is an earwig. I dusted this entire area and the seedlings with diatomaceous earth. Yet here we are. But, the seedlings are still intact, so maybe it helps? We’ll see in the morning. They’re even eating the onions. Is this why people don’t use pure compost to fill raised beds? Is mulch the problem? WHY!!! (I’ll try putting the diatomaceous earth around the onions tomorrow too.)