The two leaf senna had at least two seed pods! The second plant doesn’t have any buds but is growing new leaves.This sprouted after another surprise rain this morning and I don’t know what it is. Cowpen daisies I bought are sprouting!The scurf pea (Psoralea/Pediomelium latestipulata) from Mom has its first adult leaf!Little seedlings sprouting. Could be what I planted (Scarlet globemallow), could be volunteers.More cowpen daisies in a pot where I put them and some Rosa sp from Mom from Fannin Co TX.Tiny seedlings in the soil from Jeanne that contains the annual Sedum nutallii!Little seedlings sprouting. Again, could be what I planted, could be volunteers. This hope is Verbena halei.
This rose came with the yard. A lot of branches died back in the February cold spell and then I pruned the dead branches off in April.Echinacea slowly unfurling!Purple lady bok choy. I love the green and purple veins!