The prairie parsley dug from TX home is about to bloom!!! It is a biennial, so I hope it likes it enough to reseed here. Bluestars make it to another year! I think they must need a second individual to seed as they haven’t spread. The little grayish friends are rabbits tobacco! I think I may have finally hit critical mass with them as a few are in the tiered cactus planter too. Speaking of needing two individuals, I bought a Salvia azurea to supplement my otherwise happy one from TX. I hope they start spreading now!One of the two potted Baptisia bracteata have emerged! So excited. I haven’t had luck with them from seed.
One single aster flower is still blooming. It’s somewhat sheltered by the garage wall and kitchen wall. In the cactus planter, I was pleased to find a rabbit’s tobacco seedling in near the juniper leaf. Here I am pointing at it if you didn’t spot it in the previous picture.
The greens are doing well. Seedlings are in the raised bed but I’m not sure what they are. Hoping for field violets?The apple trees still are mostly green but one pear tree is turning. The three pictures below of leaves turning yellow and orange are from the one pear tree in front. Later we walked the dog at Saxon park. Lots of rabbit’s tobacco sprouting.