Ironweed, gaura, four point primrose, gumweed, and more have grown very tall this year. Briar likes her short grassy spot at the edge of the very tall “prairie”.My supervisor likes her grassy spot. A rattlebox flower blooming again!Gaura longifolia doing well right now. The gaura are very tall!A very late Texas Dandelion blooming this morning!
Paula’s Escobaria vivipara cactus continues to bloom beautifully in the daytime. It was cloudy. I’m not sure if that matters for it to bloom. A very frilly summer iris begins… I think this one is from Judy?The standing cypress is really going now with multiple plants in full bloom!The Chef made a delicious pizza with fresh basil and oregano from the yard. I believe this is a safflower that sprouted from the bird seed. I believe these are our two different sunflowers species. The one on the left has narrower and wavy edged leaves; we think/hope it’s Helianthus petiolaris (both Mom and another friend have given us seeds). The one on the right has big broad leaves and I think is an offspring of the Helianthus annuus that volunteered last year. Ironweed is starting to bud. Greeneyes is about to bloom!The blackberries are starting to ripen! These are wild volunteers dug from Mom and Dad’s house. Last but definitely not least, on Tuesday morning I woke up and emerged to find Gram happily snuggling the Doggie. Briar seemed to understand she could not move as is the cat rule. She was not unhappy though. Eventually he got up to look out the newly opened window so she was released so she could scratch an itch haha.
Shackleton asking to go out. It’s too hot for him though.A single bloom of ironweed has opened.An American Snout was interested in the water spray as I watered the potted plants.
Strawberries! Just a few left. They peaked back a while ago.Lemon balm is blooming.This salad contains garden radishes and garden lettuce.Butterfly milkweed in backyard.Verbena halei is leaning under the ironweed.The yellow in the rainbow garden has stopped blooming but the rock garden primroses are blooming!Standing cypress is looking magnificent after several days of tons of rain.
Saw a great little jumping spider on the ironweed leaves.An interesting bee or velvet ant male or something, on white avens leaf. It was one of the nervous kinds who keeps flicking their wings constantly.The rain of the last few days prompted the Missouri fluttermill primrose to bloom again!The Chef and I cleared leaves off the patio. In several places they were up against the wood siding which is not great as they are essentially composting. Here Briar holds down a leaf pile for us. We leave the leaves in the rest of the yard as that is best for a healthy woodland environment!The worst offending area of leaf collection next to the house. This is after I pulled out the bulk of leaves. Our compost pile should be happy now!An extremely tiny planthopper that the Chef found on the outdoor work bench.The last round of tepary beans I planted are coming up.The big thrill of the day… The horse crippler cactus in the rock garden has bloomed!!!! I imagine this means it’s either happy here or thinks it’s about to die. Hopefully the former. Since I just planted it this spring I wasn’t expecting it, and its flower bud was not obvious, or grew in really fast the last few days when I wasn’t looking with the rain.
New book in the mail! The Social Wasps of North America by Chris Alice Kratzer. It looks very useful.Awards for bravery all around tonight. Shacks walked right past Briar and she stayed put.Purple coneflower finally opening up!Ironweed is budding, seems early??This is one of two dill seedlings in the herb bed.Pretty sure now that this is the Mexican sage from Judy.Whoa, standing cypress about to bloom!The just-planted two leaf senna doing okay.The older two leaf senna seems to have gotten nibbled. I’ll have to consider if I should put some Vaseline around it against earwigs or a wire cage over it maybe for rabbits.A non native moss rose (Portulaca). Dog behind.