Wild Hyacinth bulbs arrived in the mail yesterday!We planted the three bulbs in a little crescent along the edge of this drier strawberry/honeyberry bed, and reinforced the dirt berm to trap a little extra water. Prairie Moon Nursery says they like medium-dry at most, but will generally do okay if it’s wet during the bloom time (which is usually our rain times).New earwig… We saw it moving around as we dug into the hard packed dry soil! It was somewhere between 2-6″ down. Just as bone dry the whole way. It swam across the water mud as we watered in the new bulbs. Hoping it might be a native one but waiting on what inaturalist or friends say.
The second Coryphantha sulcata seedling seems to have died, but the original is getting longer.Another two spotted bumblebee (Bombus bimaculatus) visited the mealy blue sage today!There was only one but I took a lot of angles. You can see the two spots if you zoom in.In flight you get the best view of spots.I liked the pollinating wasp zooming through in this picture.Baby mantis!I believe this is a baby red yucca, as that’s what I planted here, and it seems too sturdy to be grass.A big ol mydas fly in the backyard!!The native clematis likes its new sunnier spot about 20 ft to the west. It already has two or three new leaves!I weeded the strawberry/honey berry bed but got called in for dinner when there was still a patch left. Maybe tomorrow.I found a second pale zig zaggy spider in the backyard. Looking at it closer, I think it’s the wrong pattern and shape for Argiope aurantica, the usual banana spider.Filling up the bird bath intrigued the dog.African blue basil has flowers!One of the many marigolds in the raised beds (we mixed the old seedheads and plants in over the winter) is beginning to flower!The corn is going to town! A vaquero bean is flowering!A fine little bell pepper!!Cooling off after gardening with the mysterious Paper Protozoan. Note the hairy flagellum sticking out.
Buckwheat about to bloom.The two honeyberries that I planted, then moved for geothermal, then planted again, have been very unhappy lately, but some long slow drips with hose have revived one. Hoping the second plant follows suit.
You can see where I plan to put Peruvian ground cherries (the tomato cages) and honeyberries (white flags) on the last raised bed in the side yard. Those four plants were dug up when the geothermal HVAC was put in.Ready to be planted! The buckwheat seeds I planted around them. I’ll take another pic in a day or two as it got too dark by the time I got done planting and watering them.Earlier in the day I noticed the bisbee gray cowpeas are producing nicely in backyard.One lone seedling of a Texas mallow is coming up!A native cucurbit with a very tiny gourd. Not edible or at least not good according to various sources. But it’s an adorable vine and quite pretty when a bunch grows in one spot.