Wow!!! Gracie!!!!!A male Black-chinned Hummingbird. Mom says they arrived recently.Greeneyes! A nice big rosette to compare to my baby greeneyes in the garden. Mom says the crenate leaf edge is pretty distinctive.It was over 90°F. Warm for fluffy.
Day 2: Wednesday.
This cluster of tulips is probably nearly 30 years old. Not bad for an “replant this every year” bulb.Lots of frogs singing at night!A fringed puccoon blooming. After looking at the veins and the curled under edge, I think my mystery plants in yard are not puccoon.
Mom collected these Spiranthes seed pods for me at home this winter. Thank you Mom!! I found one source online that implies their symbiotic fungus may be widespread enough to be able to get them going in my mini prairie.The seeds are so tiny! This is under the 1x dissecting scope. The big pods are visible in the phone camera photo above, but here you can see the dust speck sized seeds.
Negative covid rapid tests meant we were safe to travel south to Texas!Annual bluetsControlled burns on the LBJ national grasslands were visible by smoke.Briar!Gracie!A hackberry tree having a long term discussion with the big mesquite tree.The big old mesquite tree.Draba cuneifoliaMom documents our dispersal of native plants.Heading back north to Oklahoma, an interesting juxtaposition of old and new energy.