Posted on May 22, 2022May 22, 2022Mesh weavers! And other friends Onion flowers. 05/21/2022 a mesh weaver on an onion flower husk. Sliiiiime mold!!!! Also from May 21. A lightning bug spied on our dinner. (05/21/2022) Mesh weavers on the sugar peas. More mesh weavers! Thanks to the diligence of the tiny mesh weaver spiders, here are 146 g of Thomas Laxton sugar peas. (05/20/2022)
Posted on May 3, 2022May 3, 202205/03/2022 strawberry acceleration Total of 1522 g of four varieties of strawberry, just today.
Posted on April 23, 2022April 23, 202204/23 front yard Viola bicolor going to seed! There’s a lot of it growing this year. I have taken some of the seeds and sprinkled over on the new filled in soil as I don’t want to bury their next generation. Native Bluets going to seed! Mystery plant in raised bed. Tree of heaven (invasive non native) has been suggested. Mostly got this leak taken care of with new rubber seals and Teflon tape. There’s still a tiny drip, but I’ll just call it watering the strawberries. Before, it was a consistent trickle. Extremely bored helper. Four varieties of strawberry. First harvest of the season. Culinary sage in rainbow garden is about to bloom! Potato straw bales are growing!! Blue flax babies where I’m pointing, as well as larger ones near front of picture. The broad leafed plant to the right is mealy blue sage.
Posted on March 23, 2022March 23, 2022Indoor tomato harvest 93 grams of indoor tomatoes, in spite of spider mites!
Posted on December 11, 2021December 11, 2021Generous neighbors Our neighbors have a crabapple tree that is loaded with fruit, and offered us as many as we can pick. Yesterday, with the Chef and Paula and me, that was about 50 pounds. Paula and the Chef cut off the blossom ends and boiled them. More updates as they occur! The Chef made tiny adorable ham croissants with lemon garlic aioli for dinner. Swiss chard (Fordham giant variety) from the garden is the green.
Posted on November 14, 2021November 14, 2021Saffron harvest Wow!! Paula was just here on Friday and said the saffron crocuses were not open like this. This was on Saturday night. We got 69 threads, for a season total up to 78 threads now. Happened to be in the spice aisle today at grocery store. Planting your own is a pretty good deal after a year or two!
Posted on November 6, 2021November 6, 2021Nine more threads today That’s from three more saffron crocus flowers.
Posted on November 4, 2021November 4, 2021Cubist ideal of melon That’s what some of my coworkers called this moon and stars watermelon. Dog for scale with the ideal melon and its very cute spotted friend. I think they didn’t have enough time to ripen before the vine died (not even frost, just sort of browned and died) as they weren’t as sweet as I was expecting or hoping. But definitely not awful. I will try growing again.
Posted on October 24, 2021October 24, 2021How to tell if watermelon is ripe Wait a really long time for the watermelon to grow bigger, then one day realize the vine is completely dead and then pick it. Oops.
Posted on October 10, 2021October 10, 2021Saturday harvest and new lake The original moon and stars watermelon is still here. The tendril is turning brown so it may be ready soon? I harvested 162 g of oregano from the front and back yard. The Chef dehydrated it and removed the stems, and the final dry weight was 20 g. Some blackjack oak acorns. Walking towards a new lake. Briar got to stand in the lake. A leopard frog in the raised bed, hiding.