A Fiery Skipper on lantana on campus.A native fleabane in the front yard.Another Fiery Skipper on the verbena at home. I need to replace this non native moss verbena with prairie verbena but I can’t get it to germinate. 😡A paper wasp on mealy blue sage. It looks weirdly purple here.Using my new copy of the social wasps book, I narrowed this down to Polistes fuscatus or Polistes bellicosus, based on not much black on legs, black tipped antennae, and the yellow ring around the abdomen.The Hedeoma is flowering!
A fleabane in the front yard.Same fleabane, the leaves. This was in the lawn, so I need to decide if I will transplant or save seeds.An Asian long bean from my aunt. Thanks to my aunt!!Only one of many zucchini seeds has sprouted. I think they were too old. I will get new or save new next year.Large leaf basil seedlings.Purple beauty pepper has a flower bud!Briar thought she was interested in my snack but it turns out broccoli isn’t her thing.The swamp milkweed I just bought, receiving its afternoon sunlight.
A beautiful little wasp on fleabane. I just ordered a field guide to social wasps of North America so I hope I can identify it soon!Blister or soldier beetle on annual coreopsis (I think).A tiny crab spider offering free hugs.A little beetle. I have seen a lot of these in my backyard too.Need to look this legume up.Rudbeckia amplexicaulis!Milkweed bug!The green milkweed was everywhere in the park!! We saw an adult monarch butterfly too.A legume.Bumblebee!!Flying viewI still need to look up the species.More of this purple legume.A blurry assassin bug on yarrow.Another milkweed bug – maybe a different or smaller kind?Legume. Edit: Mom suggests non-native Trifolium species, which looks about right. Thank you Mom!The park’s picnic pavilion has lightning bug lights!!
It’s a great little prairie. I heard singing Dickcissel, Field Sparrow, and Painted Bunting, and an Eastern Meadowlark calling. Nice!!
The Chef got three jars of dehydrated onion stems/leaves from our harvest of granex bulb onions. The bulbs are still drying in the hall.My hat is irresistible to Gram.He tries to eat the string and tulle until I get fed up and put it up.Fleabane in full bloom!Photography is boring for dog.Dill starting to bloom.Elderberry is thriving.Full view. It’s just one plant!A tiny bee on Gaillardia pulchella.A young (?) lynx spider eats a house fly while sitting on coreopsis.Coneflowers are going strong.I need to look up the name of this skipper, which is sitting on a dayflower leaf.
Widow sedum (native to northern Great Plains) flowering!Strawberries still going strong and peas continuing at a decent pace.A native fleabane is starting to bloom!