Survival on the porch, low was 15 F
Low 19 F forecast tonight
Dog ideas
Briar needed out early this morning.
Did the tender plants (tomatoes, peppers, ground cherries, potatoes, and runner beans) make it yesterday??? Tuesday night into Wednesday morning it got down to 29F in Norman, apparently a new record low (the previous being 30F in 1918. SEE WHO WEATHERED THE WEATHER!!
Three casualties of a late frost, and all due to poor choices of insulation (which I now know to avoid), are really not bad. I’m pretty pleased.
Second 30s F night
Covered all the tender plants again. While doing that, I noticed a bit of corn coming up and that the mustard is starting to look pretty.
30s next few nights
Post-thunderstorm quick check
Seeds and apple tree on a drizzling morning
Paula came over and we planted many things, as well as doing some trimming and raking.