Heath asters from TX have started blooming. I think these may be sand lovegrass seedlings. I put them in a lot of pots with native flower seeds as a potential nurse plant. This is the Muhlenbergia schreberi grass from Abby. It has a fun common name. I wanted to ensure I don’t lose it or mistake it for something like a skinny bermudagrass in the shade. This is the planter of soil from Jeanne that had a big patch of annual Sedum nuttallii. There are a bunch of sedum-looking seedlings but also plenty of other interesting looking babies too!!I seeded these cowpen daisies pretty late and didn’t know if they’d come up until next year. Instead, they seem to have noticed the declining day length and have made the world’s tiniest cowpen daisy blooms. This is normally a medium size plant!At least one Carolina snailseed root from Abby has produced new leaves.
The two leaf senna had at least two seed pods! The second plant doesn’t have any buds but is growing new leaves.This sprouted after another surprise rain this morning and I don’t know what it is. Cowpen daisies I bought are sprouting!The scurf pea (Psoralea/Pediomelium latestipulata) from Mom has its first adult leaf!Little seedlings sprouting. Could be what I planted (Scarlet globemallow), could be volunteers.More cowpen daisies in a pot where I put them and some Rosa sp from Mom from Fannin Co TX.Tiny seedlings in the soil from Jeanne that contains the annual Sedum nutallii!Little seedlings sprouting. Again, could be what I planted, could be volunteers. This hope is Verbena halei.