Custom cilantro amount
Radishes and cilantro
How can things grow this much in a week?? Backyard edition
More wow!!!
Cilantro: 359 g
I’ve been meaning for several weeks to harvest, blanch, and freeze some cilantro.
Last year’s sugar snap peas and coriander
Post-thunderstorm quick check
Delicious food with garden elements
The chef made amazing venison enchiladas tonight.
More seeds
Put out beets, cilantro (I’d like it to become self-sustaining since it goes to seed so nicely), and moss-curled parsley in the raised beds.
More fresh babies
Some in front yard, some in back yard!
I forgot to take a picture of the seedling radishes in the front yard before it got dark. They were ones I planted before the big freeze, on Feb. 5.