Leftover turkey enchiladas with salsa verde (tomatillos mostly from farm share but a few from the garden). The turkey is from Paula’s uncle. Refried beans (“red beans” from the farm share. Pozole made from Rancho Gordo hominy from our Bean Club membership days and is topped with garden cilantro. Paula has vowed we will not let it take over and shade our other things again unlike in spring.
The rainbow garden is almost there. The winecups have gotten MASSIVE. I have never seen such mammoth winecup leaves in the wild.
A typical winecup with regular sized leaves. We saw this one today on our afternoon walk, at Saxon Park.
A view panning over to see the Salvia greggii and coreopsis too. All the white flowers in the raised beds are cilantro. If you’ve been looking at our iNaturalist feed, the cilantro flowers are hopping with insect activity.
Paula peeled the giant garlic from a few days ago!The giant garlic had beautiful cloves and little garlics!Spicy peanut sauce on noodles. Containing the giant garlic as well as garden cilantro and walking onions.
Tuqu is not allowed on the table but she can look at it. Garden flavors are the walking onions chopped up on the baked potato and cilantro cooked with the chicken.