Normally we let both dogs settle their own spots, but Gracie needs space with her arthritis now.WedgeRoom for old bonesHELLOPlz hello GracieBriar eventually got comfy.But she still kept wanting to see Gracie.Gracie says haha I’m safe!!Wow! The popcorn came up while I was gone!!Potatoes in the straw bales are up!!Mom documented my plant site choosing.Here goes some annual groundsel and a cute little Euphorbia!Mom did most of the digging to save my arthritis, for which I am very grateful. She let me do this one though. Thanks to Mom and Dad and Gracie for a great staycation-vacation!!!!
Happy dog heading home from Saxon ParkI think this is a Mexican plum.Leaves of same tree.A falcate orangetip butterfly visited this plant!Mom suggested an identification of Cardamine parvifolia. Thanks Mom!It is apparently a host plant for the orangetip.Chickasaw plum blooming!Paula gave me a combination garden tote/seat/knee pad. Pets investigate.Briar displays the seat mode.Gram examines the knee pad mode.Gram refuses to go for a ride in the rolling tote part.