Briar enjoys laying in the prairie among the primroses and englemann daisies. Some of the grass in the new prairie (we’re calling it Leon’s prairie since it’s by Leon’s blackberry bushes) has turned out to be the native wild rye we seeded! Yay!Yellow Coreopsis looking bright with the tiny purple Verbena halei and the starry pink widow’s cross sedum!Shackleton had some thoughts. Briar says “walkies please??” (We did go walkies.)The showy evening primroses are looking lovely with their pale pink between the purple winecups in the back and the magenta Salvia greggii in the front. We didn’t even plant them on purpose, they were just in the soil Paula brought from the backyard berm. Coreopsis provides a nice yellow contrast at the end of the Salvia greggii row. More seedling winecups are coming up in the newer soil where we put seeds. Gram says it’s hard to use a dichotomous key for plant identification when the only numbers you know are “hello?” And “Doggie”. Shackleton somehow turned the pages and now says “I leave the identification as a trivial exercise for the reader.”We planted one Winecup in a tall skinny planter. It has bloomed now.
A male velvet ant foraging on the widow sedum!Milkvine are sprouting everywhere. Hope it’s a good year for milkweed tussock moths!Yarrow from home is blooming.The striped planthoppers are still out on ironweed today.Greeneyes leaves are fuzzy and my watering spillage shows it off.Rudbeckia lacinata from Abby is getting tall!Texas buckeye has added some leaves and seems to be food for someone.Carolina buckthorn from plant sale doing fine.Mexican buckeye from plant sale doing fine.Texas mallows are coming back up! At least three in the shade of the big red oak.Thistle from home. Mom did a lovely post on these fine flowers recently. They are homes and food for many friends.Mystery grass that came with the thistle soil. Possibly Canada wild rye. I have been asked to get better photos. Jeanne has kindly identified it as an annual native barley.The beautyberry has perked up.False garlic is going to seed! I took one pod across the patio to the “prairie” area and left the other here east of the patio.