Posted on June 22, 2021June 23, 2021Sunday field trip to Lexington WMA Butterfly milkweed. Wild heliotrope. Had leaves like greenthread but a yellow center on flower. Compass plants all facing what we think was east. Bigger view of the compass plant valley. A megachilid bee on butterfly milkweed! A whole field of Echinacea! Rosa sp. I know this one. I’ll look it up. Edit: wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), thanks Mom 🙂 Happy!!!! A Dun Skipper on prairie bluets. Asclepias viridiflora (thanks Abby and Mom!) Shade good for fluffy dog. Another view of the Echinacea field. Note the matching orange dog in background. I remember this plant. She tried to get humans to join her but we’re no fun.