A few marigolds are sprouting in Mom and Dad’s container garden.Went for after-dinner walk and Gracie was feeling alright!A bumblebee on Salvia greggii.Blue stars are blooming!These bluestars haven’t opened yet. This garden patch was transplanted from a patch up our hill a long time ago, to Mom and Dad’s garden. This is where mine in Norman are from.
Last night, brought in dwarf tomatoes and purple and chocolate peppers since temps forecast (and did reach) into 40s.On Thursday night, before another night rain, Paula and I planted more wildflower seeds. Mom sent these Yellow Puff seeds. We scarified them by scraping their hard coats on the concrete patio.On Thursday morning, I saw this very dew-drenched bumblebee. I was hoping it might be a two spotted bumblebee but I think the yellow on its abdomen was just clumping together with the dew??
A nice Bombus impatiens on the mistflowers this morning.A second view where you can see pollen on legs!Nearby, the tropical sage is blooming nicely today.
An outdoor dinner. Garden basil and oregano.Moved the chives and garlic chives that Judy gave me last year. Maybe they’ll like this spot better.Uzbek golden, little, and New Kuroda carrots.Gram helps me get seeds out.Fall seeds planted of cabbage, mizuna, greens, and cauliflower. Tomatoes and peppers for overwintering. And a few pots of Roman chamomile for the front yard ground cover.This is where I shall attempt peppers and tomatoes over the winter.This goldenrod was already here and is doing very nicely.A giant 1″+ horsefly on a backyard window sill.Never going outside again.I lied. Outside again. Chiltepin peppers.Frostweed doing alright after it died back earlier in summer.A little spider got this Eastern Tailed-Blue on the englemann daisy.Texas mallow blooming!The non native clematis. I’ll clean it out over the winter.Okra flowerA bumblebee on the okra!
I froze tiny tomatoes last night and they left funny holes.Two Bombus impatiens (common eastern bumblebee).Trimmed out the dead spots in the middle rosemary. I’m not sure why it’s upset.Paula very wisely suggested trimming the Salvia greggii so we can better access the veggies, plus it’ll make them bloom more again.As an experiment, we also trimmed back one of the Salvia farinacea (mealy blue sage) which are all getting very leggy.
Briar wanted to go out around 4am. I found this nibbled out Bisbee red cowpea flower.A pair of Red-banded Hairstreaks mating. They must have started yesterday as I can’t imagine they were flying at night.Alright actual morning, the chewed up flower still opened!A bit of rain seems to have the Bisbee red cowpeas really blooming!A tepary bean flower!She had a piece of grass on her nose, silly dog.A break indoors. Gram’s really lounging hard.A close up of this hard working kitty cat.A geometrid moth trapped in the shower. I released it outside.Front porch is boring. She sits next to more strawberry runners I’m capturing in dirt for a coworker.A Pearl Crescent sits on moon and stars watermelon leaf which is speckled with “stars”.A different watermelon flowering. I forget which variety.A jumping spider patrolling the cushaw squash vineBriar investigates.An American Bumblebee (Bombus pennsylvanicus) in the loofah gourd flower.The volunteer loofah gourds are really framing the rain barrel nicely.A different loofah individual has made itself a ground cover for one of the apple trees.The whole front garden.
I took this picture from inside the house, like a clever mammal. I counted at least 27. I wonder if it’s too hot inside, too hot to forage, or if they are preparing to move? I hope they stay longer. They were confirmed as Bombus pennsylvanicus (American Bumblebee) by a local bee expert.