The accidental shot of the week. I didn’t notice this bee kicking a wasp off its foot until I looked at the photo later!The bumblebee is feeding on Echinacea purpurea.Front of the bumblebee face is yellow.A zoomed in shot. The short overall hairs, all yellow on thorax and head, smoky dark wings, and minimal color on abdomen have led me to think it may be Bombus griseocollis, the brown-belted bumblebee. I have entered the sighting and photos on Bumble Bee Watch’s community science website where they can verify or correct this identification. This would be our fourth bumblebee species for the yard if I have identified it correctly. I found a second partridge pea plant blooming in the “prairie”!An all orangish solider beetle on a Rudbeckia flower.Shackleton the cat enjoyed hiding in brown crinkly paper. He has such big eyes!Paula is experimenting with kombucha fermentation thanks to a culture from Abby. This is the first sample and contains a garden strawberry for added flavor. It was good!Briar helps us observe bees out front. I’ll do a separate post with evening bees if any pics turned out.A baby moon and stars watermelon!!A baby praying mantis on the mint!Paula and I weeded the orange and red section of the rainbow garden. It has a lot of invasive grass in it.