Blanching night! The cilantro by the porch kept threatening to flower, and the community supported agriculture farm share bag this week had more summer squash and zucchini than we wanted to deal with.Right now a single cilantro plant has reseeded and it’s in this crack by the front porch. I think since I found this one, there are a few more out in the raised beds, but it’s nothing like last year’s glorious multiple beds. Here it has received a heavy duty haircut. 59 g of cilantro.Two units of cilantro. There was the 59 g from our porch crack plant and a small bundle from the weekly farm share delivery. I squeeze out water from the blanched herb and then put them in these balls. They work fine for salsa verde, though I don’t have any tomatillo plants this year, sigh. Lessons learned about pot drainage.The zucchini and summer squash in the freezer, spread out so they don’t become a solid squash ice rock.
I’ve been meaning for several weeks to harvest, blanch, and freeze some cilantro.
After blanching, I balled it up to squeeze out water, though I left a few flat with stems too. Last year I only froze it, no blanching, and it was only good to mix in stuff. When it thawed out it was gross looking. Maybe this will help a little. Plus, now that I’ve cut all the plants back, hopefully that will delay bolting a little longer. Plants in the backyard are starting to flower so I’m just letting them go to seed.