“This is the most beautiful lettuce I’ve ever seen!”
I wasn’t present so you know it was truth and not flattery!!
From Forest to Skillet: Edible and Native Plants in the Cross Timbers of Oklahoma. 837 yard species and counting!
“This is the most beautiful lettuce I’ve ever seen!”
I wasn’t present so you know it was truth and not flattery!!
I set out some of the tomato cages today. In the raised bed with the worst earwig depredations, I put one each of poblano pepper, Rio Grande verde tomatillo, Tommy Toe tomato, and Peruvian ground cherry.
I put out these four plants to see if the earwigs attack them and if so I’ll try petroleum jelly around the stem. I have other plants of all these so if any get completely consumed it won’t be the end of the world.
There have been fewer earwigs out in that bed since I’ve started putting out diatomaceous earth. However, in the adjacent bed, they have now moved onto a lettuce that was less dusted. So, maybe it’s helping?
Lettuce, spinach, and corn salad greens for salad. Thinned the window basil and used that on pizza.
Spring is really springing today. It’s very humid and warm too though no substantial rain yet despite forecast.