Williams pride apple is blooming. Seckel pear has started to leaf out and the Liberty apple behind it too. I think this one is the bud on the Arkansas Black Apple. Or maybe McIntosh. I forget already. Update: Paula checked and it’s McIntosh. Butterfly milkweed coming up in the rainbow garden!
Paula came over and we planted many things, as well as doing some trimming and raking.
The semi-dwarf Arkansas Black Apple arrived. We planted it and pruned it to ensure it will have lower main branches for ease of picking fruit. The hose there burst in the freeze (I didn’t drain it) so we’re using the break to water it. We trimmed up the garlic (this picture), as well as Salviagreggii and mealy blue sage. The potato experiment results say don’t plant potatoes when there’s about to be a major freeze. There was a lot of rot and slime. We put the leftover seed potatoes in that I had saved from two weeks ago. Four varieties of cabbage for Paula’s fermentation needs and Wes’ occasional soup needs. As soon as they sprout, the best seedlings will get covered with a jar to protect from bunnies. They seem to be tasty for bunnies. We also planted assorted other cool weather things (greens and carrots).Better than nothing, Briar says, but why don’t we do something fun instead?