A multi-bean venison chili by Paula. This includes Alabama black-eyed butterbean lima beans from two summers ago, vaquero beans, Inca pea beans, Christmas Lima beans, and whatever else dried beans from the garden we had in a small mixed jar.Leftover chili becomes a chili dog a few days later!
We did more fall garden clean up on Saturday. Look at the size of the roots on this Peruvian ground cherry!!Neat clouds.The Lima bean vines were dead but still had some green pods, so we asked The Chef to attempt butter beans. He also added a few slices of jalapeño.Some drier limas that still need drying but weren’t green enough for the butter beans.Yum! Thanksgiving leftovers with butter beans.
Paula and I sorted and weighed yesterday’s harvest. Look at these beauties! They were our favorites of each variety. Inca pea beans are maroon and white in the middle. Clockwise from the top are Alabama blackeye butter lima bean (the big flat white ones), slippery silk (pink ones), California blackeye cowpeas (whitish, not glossy), greasy grits (speckled tan), vaquero (moo cow pattern), and bolas maycoba (creamy color).
Thursday evening, the Chef began preparing spices for meat in slow cooker. Two jalapeños, one chimayó (top).Mmm tacos. Everything except meat, tortillas, cheese, and spices are from garden. Beans are the last of last year’s California black-eyed peas. Potatoes are this year’s kennebec white.After dinner, Paula and I did some garden harvesting. New for the season are Alabama black-eyed butter beans.Also new for the season are slippery silks pole beans.While we picked, the ice cream maker machine worked hard.Vanilla with blackberries from home. Thanks Mom for sending some home with us!