Just a bit of prairie here at Ruby Grant Park in NW Norman.Oh wait! A box turtle!!It is good pollinator habitat and good prairie too. I heard one Eastern Meadowlark singing and at least one Dickcissel.A weevil on green milkweed pods.A family of baby milkweed bugs on green milkweed pods. We looked but didn’t find any Monarch butterfly caterpillars.Sideoats grama grass.Abby has suggested this is bottlebrush squirrel tail grass.It has very exciting seedheads!Thanks to Mom and Abby for identifying this as Apocynum cannabinum, or dogbane.There was a lot of it along the trail and we saw the dogbane beetle that eats it too!Possibly prairie acacia?A non native lady beetle on the acacia.Really great stands of Rudbeckia amplexicaulis here!