New babies: cabbage and mizuna
Learned about reference for average last frost in OK
Oklahoma Mesonet posted a link to a great map today. It shows average last frost dates for Oklahoma from 1981-2010. I went ahead and put it in the References spreadsheet.
More fresh babies
Some in front yard, some in back yard!
I forgot to take a picture of the seedling radishes in the front yard before it got dark. They were ones I planted before the big freeze, on Feb. 5.
Field trip for veggies and new home for flowers
It’s warm and sunny in the day and cool but not hard freezes at night. I decided it’s time for plants to see the world!
Mustard greens!
They sprouted!
A garden dinner in winter
Wes cooked up a very nice dinner with garden harvest storage and some ground venison courtesy of Paula!
Seeds and apple tree on a drizzling morning
Paula came over and we planted many things, as well as doing some trimming and raking.
Mystery consumption of coreopsis seedlings
I left the glass jar off the backyard newly transplanted seedlings last night and those two were gone. Genius move there. HOWEVER, in the front yard I also checked on the two new seedlings there. One was fine, the other was GONE and it was under a glass jar too. Earwig? Rolley-polley? We may never know. Paula has kindly and generously agreed to re-donate back one of the many I gave to her as her mortality rate is currently substantially lower. Like all of them are living. Thank you, Paula, for subsidizing my sink population.
Fluttermill evening primrose babies in the plant window
At least half of the 13 seeds and seedlings are growing nicely post-cold-stratification from the fridge.