Earwig prevention attempt again

I saw that the new bok choy and mizuna seeds are coming up so I tried all this diatomaceous earth again. I also put vaseline around stems of one each mizuna and bok choy as I read that can keep them from climbing too, though the seedlings are only barely 1/2″ tall so we’ll see.

All the white dust is diatomaceous earth.
Since the earwigs are desperate enough to eat onions I dusted the onions too.


It’s earwigs.

Safe from bunnies, some innocent seedlings grow.
But there is an earwig. I dusted this entire area and the seedlings with diatomaceous earth. Yet here we are. But, the seedlings are still intact, so maybe it helps? We’ll see in the morning.
They’re even eating the onions. Is this why people don’t use pure compost to fill raised beds? Is mulch the problem? WHY!!! (I’ll try putting the diatomaceous earth around the onions tomorrow too.)

Anti-cat defense fortress air flow adapter

Wes made a holder for one of the fans to attach to the shelf where we hide the tender plants at night from Gram right now on cool nights. Isn’t it nifty?

It is the orange part behind the fan.
He even made it so the towel can be tucked into a groove and not get stuck in the fan.

Goodbye to invasive non native species, hello to native geranium

I’ve been getting out the ol’ North central TX flora and Mom’s book and pestering my plant friends via text message.

Invasive species of speedwell (Veronica sp, thanks Mom and Abby!)
Native geranium (Geranium carolinum). I need to let more bloom in my mini prairie but they do crowd my babies there so not all will get to stay. This one is in the shade near the back fence.
Chickweed, in the genus Stellaria which seems to be non native too. Had to look under the scope to key out!

Good, bad, and !!! news

Bad news: something ate the two baby Rudbeckia fulgida I put out yesterday.

Good news: all the fluttermill evening primrose, same size as Rudbeckia, are fine. This includes the three just a few yards away.

!!! News… A yucca may be sprouting???

See the tiny green point in the middle? Definitely not a usual weed! This is in one of the containers I left out all winter.