They look very showy in the morning here too! 😂They also make a good background for the coreopsis. The big green mound of leaves in the back is the Maximilian sunflower. A Gaillardia flower is peeking up at the base of the photo and to the right of the sunflower plant are some blue bachelor’s buttons (also known as cornflower).
Basil on top of cheese and oregano is hiding below cheese. Salad is the big Boston lettuce that is heading right now.Basil outside hasn’t come up yet so I’m still nursing along the window basil. I’m hoping this harvesting will encourage them to get bushier and more leaves. The red rubin in particular are spindly. The mammolo basil (the green ones) have bigger leaves but not very many.
Slippery silks pole bean are up in both beds 1 and 4Marketmore 76 cucumber in bed 4. None of others up yet.Vaquero bean (a pole bean) in bed 1.Bolas maycoba bean next to lettuce leaf in bed 6.Greasy grits bean (a green pole bean) in bed 1Mbombo beans (a bush type) in bed 5.Blue lake green bush (another bush type) in bed 5.Dutch corn salad greens beginning to make immature seeds.“hilled” potatoes with more dirt added, so they will grow more roots and thus more potatoes.Inca pea beans are the only ones not up yet.Oregon sugar pod peas all fruiting now with more flowers.The lettuce is thinking about bolting so I’m picking any that are growing taller.
White avens is a native shade plant with cute strawberry-like flowers. It just started blooming. These volunteered.The flowers tend to arch elegantly downwards. They have big showy leaves too. Which I didn’t photograph. 😂I got a dwarf pomegranate at the botany club plant sale. I decided to put it near the tiny apricot tree.A very baby palm tree from Judy!
White sage from the student botany club plant sale! Since the dirt around it was fresh I also pressed in a native wildflower seed mix and some fluffy Anemone berlanderi seeds from home (thanks Mom and Judy!)