I love fall flowers!
Continue reading “10/01/2024 fluffy asters and giant sunchokes”09/29/2024 cowpen daisy
The flowers have all started at once now without my noticing until just now.
Continue reading “09/29/2024 cowpen daisy”09/25/2024 sunchokes in the compost area
Who made this compost area so fancy??
Continue reading “09/25/2024 sunchokes in the compost area”09/24/2024 drummond’s aster
I sprinkled seeds around last winter and one came up near the bird bath and blackberries!
Continue reading “09/24/2024 drummond’s aster”09/08/2024 second passionvine!
The second passionvine has flowers! This one is on the metal dividing fence in the backyard. It gets less sun than the other one on the trellis.
Continue reading “09/08/2024 second passionvine!”09/07/2024 I do love fall flowers!
08/18/2024 scarlet pea looking amazing
And there are two other plants that have survived in the red part of rainbow garden! But this one in the rock gardening is rocking it.
Continue reading “08/18/2024 scarlet pea looking amazing”08/17/2024 rain lily after our gully-washer
We were very pleased to see two blooms on our rain lily plant!
Continue reading “08/17/2024 rain lily after our gully-washer”08/11/2024 raindrops on cactus
That big rain left everything wet, as rains tend to do.
Continue reading “08/11/2024 raindrops on cactus”08/03/2024 the season continues
Mom and Dad were here for a visit today which was nice. A good reason to go out and explore the garden together.
Continue reading “08/03/2024 the season continues”