Ironweed, gaura, four point primrose, gumweed, and more have grown very tall this year. Briar likes her short grassy spot at the edge of the very tall “prairie”.My supervisor likes her grassy spot. A rattlebox flower blooming again!Gaura longifolia doing well right now. The gaura are very tall!A very late Texas Dandelion blooming this morning!
This beautiful young friend has obviously been growing for a while since it has half a dozen leaves, but I only spotted it recently. We had planted blackjack acorns under the red oak in several places in hopes of starting a grove (they’ll probably stay understory height until the red oak dies in the hopefully long-distant future). this one is north of the blackberries and south of the one beautyberry.
The yellow petals have really opened up! It’s such a big plant with such a regular sized flower haha. Abby gave me this plant and it seems happy with the wet spring we’ve had so far!
The sea oats that came up a few years ago from purchased seeds. They finally bloomed!There are three surprise amaryllis in the yard! They are all this shade of pink. Not native, but obviously tough, and not spreading so it can stay for now. The Texas mallows have begun to bloom! I love how bright they are in the shade. Rudbeckia lacinata from Abby is very happy this wet summer and has started to bloom. Helianthus petiolaris from seeds are starting to bloom! There is a crab spider hiding behind one petal that you can just see their legs.